07 January 2006

parlez-vous français?

i don't. not a lick. i had to look up how to spell the above correctly.
the reason i ask is because i received my copy of Nouveux Delits today, where four of my poems translated by Eric Dejaeger appear. they appear in English, with the French translation alongside. and, they are gorgeous. it's amazing how something as simple as a translation into French can make your poetry look good.

the poems in this issue are:
penis boy
A Wonder
a clear sign i have become my father
another clear sign i have become my father

i can't understand anything else about the issue. it's all Greek to me. actually, make that French. i know, i know. that was a really bad pun. sorry.

05 January 2006

2 acceptances, a new book, a french mistake and a small press review

lots of new stuff to kick off the new year. seems 2006 is starting off just right.

first, i received news from Bill Roberts of Bottle of Smoke Press that he will be starting a new project soon: specifically a set of coasters with poems letterpressed on them. the poems are about drinking. he accepted a new poem i wrote specifically for the project. the project is invitiation only, and i'm flattered to be included. of course, i'll inform when the project is completed.

second, i received word from Linda Wandt, the new editor of Spent Meat, that my poem the second coming will be used for the new issue. Spent Meat is coming back online after an extended hiatus. RC Edrington was the editor, but those duties are now Linda's. i was asked by RC to submit, and again i was flattered. RC and i also made amends. it's a long story, but suffice it to say things are now cool. i'll let you know when the new issue is up. looks like February some time.

next, i received the latest, and recently sold out, Bottle of Smoke Press publication, sometimes city undercovers, a book dedicated to d.a. levy and the recent levyfest in Cleveland. good stuff. it even includes a 5-poem mini-chapbook of levy's poetry.

yesterday, i received the latest issue of The Small Press Review. this magazine publishes only reviews, and is a great source for magazines, journals and books. unfortunately, this issue included a bad review of my buddy Karl Koweski's chapbook Can't Kill a Man Born to Hang, published by the ubiquitous Bottle of Smoke Press. i feel Karl is one of the best small press poets, and that the review is off base. his poetry is subtle, and deep and his humor is razor sharp. good stuff.

lastly, i received word today from Eric Dejaeger in Belgium that the poems he translated into French have already appeared in one magazine, Liqueur 44, and will appear in two others shortly, his own Microbe and Nouveaux Delits. i can't wait to see them.
i also found out that Eric has agreed to translate a bunch of Glenn W. Cooper's poems into French. this is great news. i'm a firm believer that the more people to read Glenn's poetry the better off the world will be.
incidentally, this is not the "french mistake" referenced in the title above. that designation is reserved for the publication of my own poems. anyway, congrats, Glenn.

maybe 2006 will be better than 2005.