23 March 2007


it's been a bit since my last update.
what's new:

i received my copies of Eric Dejaeger's Microbe Editions chapbook in which my poetry is presented in both English and French (as translated by Eric). if you would like a copy, let me know. i have already put aside a few copies for those of you i think might want one, so most likely you're already listed, but still...just in case i don't have you down...

i received word from some little punk (you know who you are ;)) that one of my poems will appear in the next two issues (different poems for each issue, mind you) of The Quirk. this little punk is diligently working on getting the issue designed and collated. he promises it will be a killer issue. i'll be the judge of that, thank you very much! :) i'll update when i hear more. i'm quite excited about this, actually.

i received a rejection from Brian Morrissey of Poesy magazine, though his rejection letter was quite complimentary of me and he asked to see more. and that he shall. i hope to mail him off a new batch soon, but you know how motivation can be a challenge for me. (you don't? well, too bad i'm too lazy to tell you about it, but maybe one day...it's a pretty great story...ah, who am i kidding, it's a bore, much like myself.) anyway, Poesy is a great magazine, and i've appeared in a few issues in the past. maybe i'll slip one past him again in the very near future.

lastly, the latest month's mailings of The Guerilla Poetics Project broadsides have been received, including the first ever broadside printed by a printer other than the original GPP printer. it's a doozy, too. check out the blog for a picture. i've said it before, and i'll say it again: the GPP is something fresh and exciting. if you agree, and believe in the same ideals we believe in, then help us out in any way you can!

oh, and i almost forgot. the wife's cast came off three weeks early. apparently, she's some kind of freak of nature when it comes to healing. her bone is already mended and now she's working on getting the muscles and tendons back to strength. lucky her. if it were me, i'd be in the cast three weeks longer, probably. and my leg would look like a broomstick (or MORE like a broomstick). sad.
anyway, her leg is atrophied a little, and still quite tender and puffy. the skin is tight and swollen and bruised. it's pretty nasty, really. it was really gross before she shaved: it looked like a man's leg. ugh. but, she's on the way to a full recovery and she'll be back in the gym in no time. yea!

we've finally made it

yea! it's so damn great to live in this fucking state. what is wrong with people? seriously, what is wrong with them? man. just when you think the government couldn't get any dumber, they go and do something like this. it's enough to make someone go crazy with rage.

and if the dumbasses at the Tax Commission didn't know that merlot was a type of wine, then i doubt they'll know a muscat is too. maybe those of us here in Utah who disagree with this kind of thing should inundate the Tax Commission with applications for vanity plates featuring rare alcoholic beverages just to see if we can squeeze one past them.

that'll show 'em who they're dealing with...
maybe not, but it would still be fun.