so, what's new, you ask?
i have three poems featured in the first ever Literary Mary print journal. it's a damn fine, perfect-bound, glossy cover journal rife with fabulous poems.
i have a poem in the second issue of Poeisis, published by Propaganda Press. the featured poet is J.J. Campbell. this journal, too, is full of great poems.
reviews of my books from Propaganda Press, [untitled] and Nowhere, Utah, appear here. (scroll down, read the other reviews as well).
i had a poem in the most recent issue of Nerve Cowboy, too.
other than that, nothing much else new.
look, in the future, for some reviews of some fantastic chapbooks. i have been meaning to get to reviewing them for a bit now and it's high time i give the couch a break from having to hold up my fat ass.
UPDATE: as Hosho and Chris were so kind to remind me, i was negligent in my forgetting a most important anthology, Octothorp #1, being released by sunnyoutside. i would like to thing the reason they were so vocal about my error was because they are looking out for my best interest, but the truth of the matter is they both are also featured in said anthology. ;)
thanks, guys.
this collection will be a doozy. check out the lineup.
i'm still humbled by the folks i get the pleasure of consistently sharing the printed page with.