17 July 2006

and breathe...

the first commute after the move has been completed. not so bad. 45 minutes. i was expecting an hour, so it was a pleasant surprise. i'm wondering, though, if it had to do with how early i left (6:30) and if it would've been much worse if i left later. i'm guessing yes.

we are just about done unpacking (or, umpacking for you in the know). the wife stayed home today, with her mother, to get some final things done before she gets back to work herself.

and it's almost surreal, being in the house finally, after so long a wait and after so many tribulations. it's a strange feeling. very anticlimactic. but, obviously, still nice. it beats the tiny apartment any day, even though my lazy, out-of-shape ass is already tired of walking up the modest flight of stairs.

and our boy, Rufus, is glad as can be with the new place.

nothing poetic to speak of recently. i have some submissions out there that i should be hearing about soon. i'll update when they return.


Anonymous said...

45 minute commute is not so bad. is that driving? could you get a bus or train? bus or train is better because it gives you the chance to do some a) reading and b) ogling of attractive female fellow-commuters.

Kat said...

That's great! Once, in NJ, Bill commuted 2 hours ONE WAY! But then, when we moved here, he had about a ten minute commute.

But you're in the house! WooHoo!

Is the dog's name really Rufus? I always wanted to name a dog Rover but when we got Mack no one in my family thought it was a good idea. Rufus is very cool!


christopher cunningham said...

a 45 minute commute in ATlanta is a thing to be celebrated. traffic here lasts from seven a.m. until seven p.m all week long. seriously, I live fifteen minutes from downtown and it could take me an hour if I leave at the wrong time, or, god help us, there's a wreck or a ballgame or construction (which there is every damn day).

oh, plus the smog and no mountains and 100 degree heat and 1000% humidity.

man, I love it here. <---SARCASM

but good for you j.b some peace is hard to find and GOOD ON THE DOG'S NEW RUNNING ROOM.

**pats Rufus on the head**

Anonymous said...

I have a 3 minute commute. 2 miles & there never is any traffic in Dover, unless there is an accident. If there is an accident, then it will add two or three minutes to my commute....

The joys of a tiny state....


BMcG said...

I bus it into work myself Glenn (‘bout 25 minutes in the summer, 40 in the winter) and your right, it does give you the chance for some reading, however b) is a little difficult, I live in an attractively challenged zone – faces like well chewed chips (french fries), seriously – not that I advocate ogling women, may my eyes be plucked out by Hitchcock like crows if they wonder toward another female form other than my wife’s.

Kat said...


I did and I answered it but it keeps coming back to me! I tried to send it again just a few hours ago. Let me know if you didn't get it!

Thanks for the wordsdance tip! Always love what Amanda does!

Kat said...


Got it. Sent you an email.


Luis said...

It takes me about 30 minutes to downtown Los Angeles from my house. But I leave at 5am. You leave at 6am and it's 45 minutes. At 7am it's an hour or more. As for coming home after 4:00pm, forget it. Just crank up the radio & AC & try your best to avoid the cell phone talking bastard drivers. How's the house, JB? Probably feels pretty good. Does Rufus have a middle name & is it Rufus T.? Don't know, but that sounds cool to me.

Luis said...

The only dog we ever had was named "Shithead." Just like the dog in the jerk because he looked just like him. It was an endearing term in those days. He's buried in our backyard under the pepper tree. He got out & was struck by a teen driver. It was a sad time around here back then.

Anonymous said...

Chris -- Justin's dog, I'm proud to say, is an Australian Shepherd. :)

I actually have a fluffy poodle! They're great dogs. Don't drop any hair and very intelligent.

My daily commute on the bus takes me all of 10 minutes. And it's half filled with high school girls. :-o

Anonymous said...

I think Pennick has poodles, too. I've seen pics. Black ones. Mine's black, too.

j.b said...


lots of action here.

first, Rufus is not my muse. he's my dog. jesus. oh, that reminds me. jesus is my muse. and no, not Mr. Christ. i mean Senor Trujillo who lives next door to me. good guy.

Rufus IS an Aussie Shepherd -- as Glenn pointed out -- and one of the finest damn dogs around. gorgeous, well-behaved. and he thinks i'm hot shit, so that's great.

now, for commuting. Glenn, the public transit system in Utah is the worst i've ever seen anywhere. it's easily double the time taking the bus than it is driving. so, it would be a 1.5 hour commute. i can't handle that. 3 hours a day on the bus? no thanks.

we do have a light rail system (called TRAX) that i used to take to my other job. it was fast and clean. but there's only one line (right now) and it's nowhere near where i live and where i need to go.

Luis, Rufus DOES have a middle name. but, it was given to him by the vet. on his medication (he's epileptic and has arthritis, so he's on quite a few meds) and on his charts he's known as Rufus Dog Barrett. i assume the vet just puts what kind of animal they are as the middle name. it sounds cool though. Rufus Dog. i love it.

forever more i want to be known as Justin Man.


Kat said...


I can't stop laughing. You just made the day.


Luis said...

I'd rather be Luis C. Dog

j.b said...

Thanks Kat...but Luis topped me.

Luis Cuauhtemoc Dog...kinda has a nice ring to it.

it doesn't quite work for my first and middle name. oddly enough, my middle name is Cider.

Justin Cider Dog. boy, do i sound like some kind of zoophile or what?