03 October 2006

poems are meant to be found

The Guerilla Poetics Project is barrelling along like a locomotive off its tracks; gaining speed as it careens down a treeless hill towards the small press village in the valley.

to date, five broadsides have been found of the hundreds that have been placed across this world. three of the five are even from different countries (Ireland, Canada and the US).
we are always eager to find more operatives, especially in places where we currently have no presence. if you are interested in helping us subvert the current publishing paradigm, while also connecting great writing to the masses, then check out the website and join us.

while you're there buy a chapbook or two, or one of the snazzy vinyl stickers or a set of coasters, the proceeds of which all go to the furthering of our mission.
and coming soon: a GPPReader featuring great poetry of the GPP.

this is going to be huge, folks. for once, be part of something larger than yourself; something beautiful; something immortal.


j.b said...

it really IS great that countries other than the US are being involved...we need Australia to start getting in the action here.

yeah, the GPPReader is going to kick some major ass. i'm looking forward to the next broadsides as well.

should be fun.

Anonymous said...

Owen --

It won't happen overnight, but it WILL happen, as one of the courier companies say, here in Australia. :) Don't forget, Australia is a country where it's still frowned upon to read a book; reading is paramount to being gay.

I've never been published in Australia.

Some noteworthy Australians:

Brett Whiteley
Glenn W. Cooper
Neddy Smith

Hmmm, that seems to be about it.

BMcG said...


sweet baby jesus – too much – just too much information. sometimes it’s good to share, sometimes it’s not so good to use a blog to let everyone know where and when you interrogate the prisoner.

as for AUSTRALIA – well any country that has barbeques on the beach on Christmas day and has translated the bible into Aussie speak is feckin legendary in my eyes – to say nothing of the pint sized sex pots perfectly formed rear.

Luis said...


saw you were interviewed in Poesy recently, look forward to reading that issue.

j.b said...

i'm with bcmg...nasty images, Owen.

none of us really care who you're jerkin' your gherkin to.

and yes, congrats, Glenn...gonna put up a post about it soon.