22 August 2006

a touch of good news...

...for me,
a touch of bad news for Nerve Cowboy subscribers:

my poem "Letter to Glenn" was accepted for a future issue. damn glad to hear it. Nerve Cowboy is one of the best journals out there. very few are as consistently good and chock full of such amazing writing.

anyway, it was a bit of good news and it lifted my spirits considerably.

quick update

it's been a week since she was released from the hopsital for her pulmonary embolism.
she is no longer on the low-molecular-weight heparin (Lovenox) and is now taking strictly Coumadin. her INR (blood-clotting level) is perfectly in the therapeutic range (it will take about 3X longer for her blood to clot than a normal person) and things are looking good so far.

she has been back to work since Wednesday of last week. so far so good there, too. she's doing her best to eliminate as much work-related stress as she can, and working even harder at relaxing during those times when stress is unavoidable.

we still get brief moments of panic and terror, but they are becoming more rare with each day.

i want to thank all of you, again, for your kind words. it's comforting to know others have experienced similar episodes and emotions and have made it through. it's good to know that there are people out there who care.

i hope to get back into blogging more regularly, soon. i need to finish a few things around the house and such, after which i'll be back in full force.