20 September 2008

approaching autumn

i love this time of year: the days shorten, the evenings and early mornings are cool, coworkers bring to work fruit and vegetables from their gardens for all to enjoy. soon, the air will have a crispness to it, a clean smell left over after summer's sear. soon, sweaters and long sleeve shirts will be needed. soon, winter will be here.

for some reason, too, i tend to write more during autumn and spring. not sure if it's the lack of sunlight, the temperate weather, the sadness inherent in winter's arrival, or the brightness in summer's. perhaps it's the fact that spring and autumn are inflection points between summer and winter. whatever it is, i'm thankful to live in a place where there are four distinct seasons. having lived in Florida for 10 years, i can appreciate the quickening of spring and the frailty of autumn.Fall Foliage, Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt L...

but autumn is my favorite: with the changing leaves, the harvests, the welcome coolness in the evenings, and football. what is there not to love about it? even daylight saving time ends and we get to adjust our clocks back an hour, thus gaining an extra hour of sleep (or, if you're really industrious, an extra hour to do whatever else you want to do).

in fact, we're going to enjoy this time of year with a little excursion up Little Cottonwood Canyon to Albion Basin to hike, picnic and take in the breathtaking scenery with friends. i'll take some pictures (hopefully, the spectacular Albion Basin wildflowers are still out) and if they're any good i'll post them here.

18 September 2008


three books arriving by mail in two days. does it get any better?

yesterday, i receive a copy of In Gambler's Blood by christopher cunningham, a spectacular series of poems playing out a single hand of poker from start to finish. amazing. visit Kendra Steiner Editions for more information. $4.

today, i received a copy of For All These Wretched, Beautiful, & Insightful Things So Uselessly & Carelessly Destroyed... by Hosho McCreesh. this is Hosho's 7th book/chapbook and it's as great as all the others. 20 poems by the master. check out sunnyoutside for more information. $10.

also today, i received my copy of my latest chapbook, [untitled], published by Propaganda Press. orders are currently being shipped and the early prognosis is good. please visit Propaganda Press for more information. $7.

support your small press and order all the above books today!

Kendra Steiner Editions
Propaganda Press

15 September 2008


i wonder if because Mt. McKinley, the highest point in the US, is in Alaska that makes Gov. Palin an expert on space, too? maybe NASA could use her vast reservoir of knowledge?
or because Alaska has more shoreline than any other state if that makes her a marine biologist, too?

just wondering.