18 September 2008


three books arriving by mail in two days. does it get any better?

yesterday, i receive a copy of In Gambler's Blood by christopher cunningham, a spectacular series of poems playing out a single hand of poker from start to finish. amazing. visit Kendra Steiner Editions for more information. $4.

today, i received a copy of For All These Wretched, Beautiful, & Insightful Things So Uselessly & Carelessly Destroyed... by Hosho McCreesh. this is Hosho's 7th book/chapbook and it's as great as all the others. 20 poems by the master. check out sunnyoutside for more information. $10.

also today, i received my copy of my latest chapbook, [untitled], published by Propaganda Press. orders are currently being shipped and the early prognosis is good. please visit Propaganda Press for more information. $7.

support your small press and order all the above books today!

Kendra Steiner Editions
Propaganda Press


Anonymous said...

I got yours and Hosho's in the mail yesterday, and am awaiting CC's. Maybe today! Anyway, I've just read a few (I like to torture myself and try to make it last longer, but I usually end up reading them all in a glut after a day or so). It's so good!! You may be some kind of "scientist" guy, but that's just what you do for money. You're really a genius writer!! I'm carrying it around in my purse so I can read here and there. Super-impressed, seriously. A more coherent commentary once I'm finished.

j.b said...

well damn.
thanks Chastity! :)

i appreciate the kind words and am really happy you like the book. i hope the rest lives up to it.

as for genius...eh, not so sure.

as for scientist...pretty much the same. i am better at writing than science, though. maybe i SHOULD quit my day job...ha!

thanks again.
see you soon. bring the book and i'll autograph it for you so you can sell it on ebay when a fan assassinates me...which is bound to happen, what with my geniusness and prodigious talentosity. :)