17 August 2005

let there be...cool air

well, we got the damn swamp cooler fixed. apparently, the stupid motor wasn't properly oiled (go figure, since i've never oiled it), and that was all that was needed. $89 just for that. christ! but, who cares. at least it's fixed and we've got that blessed cold air blowing through the house. finally, i'll be able to not sleep in comfort, once again.

i received two books in the last two days. the first is Nathan Graziano's latest chapbook from sunnyoutside, Honey, I'm Home. it's a great chapbook about domesticity: marriage, children and all the rest. a bit of a departure from Nate's other stuff, but his wry humor and biting wit is ever present.
the second book i received is David Barker's Too Much Me, published by Concrete Meat Press. David is a fabulous poet and a master of the short poem. this latest chapbook features only short poems. the usual Barker subjects abound: work, family, aging. and the best part is the dry wit that separates David from the rest of the pack.

both books are highly recommended.


Kat said...

89 dollars? Holy Crap! That's a lot but living where it's hot all the time....I'd pay anything for my air to work.

I had never heard of a swamp cooler until I was in my 20's. I had a friend in Texas who told me about them.

I once met a guy in Arizona...he fixed my fridge...he lived without air conditioning...in AZ!!! I cannot imagine. Sometimes our house was hot even with the air going constantly.

j.b said...

oh, $89 is nothing. read the today's post. life is hell right now.

i never heard of them, either, until i moved here 5 years ago. i was 27. we don't have them back east. it's far too humid for anything like that to work.

no AC in Arizona? sick.