18 October 2005

snail mail

well, we found out what the fucking problem with our mail delivery was. i turns out our moronic mailman decided that we had moved because our box was "overstuffed". apparently, he noted in our record (or in some damn thing) that our box was overstuffed for a few days and therefore we moved and all mail must be returned.
there are two issues at work here. 1) our mail was never "overstuffed". on our trip to Vegas, we were obviously unable to check our mail for a day. ONE day. so, because of this single day of neglecting to get our mail, it was stopped. what the fuck?! 2) if it was shut off and we were not living here, why the hell did we still get mail. granted, we didn't get everything (and it turns out all the important shit was returned (i.e. bills, correspondence, etc.)) but we did get some stuff. so, these dolts at the post office can't do their job AT ALL. first, they jump the gun on "overstuffed" mailboxes; choosing to return mail unnecessarily. and, second, they can't even shut the mail off correctly. if in fact we HAD moved, why the fuck did some of the mail get through. AND, didn't the shitforbrains notice that the mail he had delivered the day before suddenly disappeared the next day? this should've been proof enough that we had in fact NOT moved. jesus christ, the mental defectives are taking over the world.
anyway, our mail problem is now fixed, allegedly. my wife wants me to call the post office tomorrow morning to talk to our carrier. but, what the fuck am i going to say to this mental midget that he'll be able to understand? nothing.
so, if you've sent me something and it came back returned, please be advised that i AM alive, i DO live where you sent it and i WILL now get it if you resend it. i think.


Kat said...


I hate the mail! Seriously. I said this to you in one of your recents post. I will not go on and on here about how much my mailman sucks but I know just what you mean and how annoying this can be!

Good luck. Kick him in the shins for me, okay?

j.b said...

good quote. very funny. and, i'm finding, very true!

you did mention that you've had your own issues with the mail. i don't understand why it is so damn difficult to get it straight. christ! and there's really no use talking to these people. it's not like they're happy with their lives. i don't know too many kids who want to grow up to become mail sorters or mail carriers. scientist, doctor, lawyer, astronaut, fireman, policeman, sure. mailman. nah!