24 December 2005

new issue of Nerve Cowboy...& Merry Xmas

today, as a nice, early Xmas present, arrived my contributor and subscriber copies of the new Nerve Cowboy (#20, Fall 2005). two of my poems, the ultimate irony of the recently sobered & the geometry of a relationship on the rocks, are featured in this issue. Nerve Cowboy, once again, released an amazing issue. it is the best small press journal of literature out there. since i have two copies, if you're interested in seeing what Nerve Cowboy offers, let me know and i'll send you my extra copy. i'm pretty certain you'll love it and will wind up becoming a subscriber. it's THAT good.
other poets featured in this issue include: Gerald Locklin, Karl Koweski, Kathleen Paul-Flanagan, christopher cunninngham, A.D. Winans and Michael Kriesel.

well, tomorrow is Xmas. unfortunately, and oddly, we've been hit with some kind of freakish warm spell. it's like 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside today. no snow, except on the mountains, and plenty of sunshine. it's actually quite nice.

anyway, Merry Xmas folks. i hope you have a beautiful end of the year, and i hope 2006 is everything 2005 wasn't.
for all of us.


Kat said...

Hey! justin, you got your copy! I've been on pins and needles waiting for mine.

Merry Christmas...a little late!

j.b said...

yeah, i got my copies. it's another great issue. your poem looks very good. i remember that one.

Kat said...

STILL have not gotten my copy. I'm going to hurt the mailman soon!

Thanks for the kind words. I think you helped me punctuate that one...right? :) Thanks!

j.b said...

and the winner is:

casey. i'll post it post haste. i'll even sign it for you. :)

sorry that you've not gotten yours. weird. i know sometimes Glenn W. Cooper, out in Australia, would receive his copies of journals that we both appeared in before me. so, i'm sure it'll be in your mailbox soon.

yeah, i think i did help you on the punctuation on that one. i remember it, good poem! :)

Kat said...

Thanks, again, justin for the kind words about the poem and the commas and periods you threw in for me. Now...can you help me with my mailman? Another day, another mail delivery and NO magazine. ARGH! I swear he holds certain things on purpose...just to drive me mad! And it's working!!!!!!!!

j.b said...

you're welcome. my pleasure. glad i could help. i like to think it was my punctuation that made Nerve Cowboy pick the poem up. ;)

just kidding.

as for the mailman, wish i could do something about it, but one more offense and it's 3 strikes for me. i'm not too keen on spending life in prison for roughing up a mailman, you know? ;)

Kat said...

STILL have not gotten my copy! ARGH!

And yes your commas and periods probably helped! :)

j.b said...

jesus...sorry to hear it, Kat. it'll come soon. any day now. :)

Kat said...

I've convinced the idiot mailman gave my copy to someone else! STILL has not arrived.

Help! I may have to do something rash!

j.b said...

rash? i had a rash once. a little salve and i'm good as new.

i hope you get your copies soon.
and i hope that rash clears up. ;)

Kat said...

Finally got my copies! And two things were kind of weird...the one I told you about with my address and the other thing...I must have sent that without punctuation because there isn't a comma or a period in it in the magazine!

And I don't really want to know about your rashes.... ;)

Kat said...

Your rash? Rashes? I don't know...But you know what I mean.