10 August 2008

poetry stuff

the second issue of nibble arrived yesterday, and it's every bit as good as the first. great poetry by christopher cunningham, Father Luke, Richard Krech, Christopher Robin, yours truly and many more. great stuff.

i also was recently invited to submit work for a chapbook in Alternating Current' chapbook series title Pocket Protectors. It's a very small chapbook of poems. i've submitted my stuff and will update here when i find out when it'll be published, and how to obtain a copy.


christopher cunningham said...

looking forward to it jb. congrats. from dead stop to a thousand miles an hour in the small press baby! that's the justin.barrett way...

and yes indeedy the new NIBBLE sings. love that motherfucking father luke...

Anonymous said...

well done!

i submitted to Nibble months ago but never got a response ...

off to Sydney today for a week ... talk soon.

-- Glenn

H. said...

Only glanced at the NIBBLE2 line-up so far...but, yes, it looks to be yet another solid offering. Might try a few PSALMS out over there...

Best of luck with Alternating Currents--hope they put out some new barrett to placate the slobbering masses (or, me...whatever).

Say, I wonder if Revolution Calling would be interested in a book of scatching letters re: art, politics, & the role of the artist in a larger society? Maybe you can tell Chris or I who to ask--Hmmm?

j.b said...

hey thanks guys....it's a damn fine journal (nibble that is) and i'm happy to be in it...

zero to infinity in 1.0 seconds...it's a whirlwind. i'll be poet laureate before you know it. ha!

Glenn, not sure why Jeff hasn't contacted you. strange. i'll email him and see what's up.

hosho, shoot me an email and i'll give you the info, bro...they might very well be interested! :)

the role of the artist in a larger society is dead. for now!!!!

flahute said...

I got both Nibble #1 and #2 today ... and without even cracking the cover, I know that #1 is gonna rock ... it's gotta bike on the cover, how could it not???

Jeff Fleming said...

Hey Glenn,

I have, to my knowledge, responded to every submission (except for the last week). When did you send it? How?

I'll check my spam filter, in the mean time, send it again!


Jeff Fleming

Anonymous said...

yes, the madness is true! justin.barrett will be our pocket protector poet for the month of december 2008, just in time for a tasty stocking stuffer! the books are available from us starting december 1st, but we will take advance orders any time and mail them out on december 1st. checks or money orders made out to alternating current. well concealed cash, etc. mailed to alternating current, po box 398058, cambridge ma 02139 usa. you can paypal it to alt.current@gmail.com, and by the time december rolls around, we will have a special little product page on our website [alt-current.com] where you can just click it and buy it with credit/debit/paypal online. available for $3 through the mail. if you want to review it or get it in stores, we will comp you a copy in exchange for your review and/or help. please know that our press gives authors royalties, so if you buy it, you are supporting justin. we will have another chapbook of his, as well, coming out before then to whet your whistle.

in addition, the pocket protectors series is a one-a-month invitation-only mini-chap collection. that is not to say the books are weak because they are small; they pack a punch and contain around 25 poems, generally, give or take a few, depending on length. leah angstman is our august poet this month. september is ed galing. coming up we have: david s. pointer, kevin m. hibshman, michael kriesel, raymond sapienza, alan catlin, a.d. winans, julian gallo, and j.j. campbell, to name a few. we have subscriptions available: 12 issues for $20, 24 issues for $36, same payment stuff as above, subscriptions start with the month of purchase.

if you want to be considered for a book in our collection, you will have to contact us. if you know right off the bat that we wouldn't have heard of you, then don't bother. we've been around the small press for fifteen years: if you've been around, we'll have heard of you.

to answer questions noted above: revolution calling does not accept poetry, but it accepts most everything else. we do publish a broadside called st. adeline of verse lights apollo's cigarette [with poems we only consider top-notch] and a poetry chapbook collection of various authors called poiesis, that really accepts most any poem, one poem per person per issue, but feel free to send as many as you want at any time. we find homes for them all.

i think that is all.

justin, i am taking over your blog. muwhahaha.

-alternating current [no "s" on the end] arts co-op "staff"... in other words... me.

j.b said...

thanks leah....plurals are funs.

so, folks, go ahead and submit, go ahead and order books...go ahead and continue doing what you are doing.

christopher cunningham said...

jb, I think it's 'plurali.'

and thanks for the permission to continue.