21 September 2008

and somehow i'm...

supposed to give a shit about these rich bastards who gambled with our economy, lost their ass, and are now unable to afford their affluent, rich bastard life styles. well, boo fucking hoo. welcome to our lives. only, guess what? your gambling made our lives just that much harder.

there are 946 BILLIONAIRES in the world today. 73% (694) of them live in the United States. according to Forbes, this is a 20% increase over last year. this is sick. in a time where simple medical insurance eludes billions around the globe, where unemployment rates and homelessness rates are rising in our country, the ultra/super rich are getting richer and the income gap is widening. these new billionaires aren't members of the middle class suddenly becoming filthy rich, it's millionaires bilking their poorer countrymen and getting even richer; it's our current administration giving them tax breaks and making it easier for their companies to do whatever, wherever and whenever they want. what's a trillion dollars bailout for transgressions amongst friends, eh?

how many millionaires are there? it's too gross to say. but, the number is higher than the entire population of New York City, the very city that houses Wall Street -- where most of these bastards commit their crimes. i suspect there are a quit a few less millionaires now.
well, welcome to penury, you assholes. we've saved you a seat on our 14-year old couch in the living room of our 1200 sq. ft. home.
don't mind the smell, it's merely our futures rotting away.

by the way, where's my fucking bailout? promise it won't cost nearly as much as a $1,000,000,000,000. i wonder how much universal healthcare would cost? or college education for any graduating senior who wants it, or technical school training? a trillion dollars is a lot of money.


H. said...

No no no...you're not supposed to give a shit, you're just supposed to pay. You & any future barrett generations.

I used to think leaving college with debt you couldn't pay back until your 40s was bad...but now children we haven't even had yet are in debt, their lives already given over to 40 years of sub-par wages & taxes they get nothing for. No health care. No education. Their tax money has already been spent...

j.b said...

true, man. so true.

the future generations will be left a debt that might never be paid off, or if it will be, will be because of great sacrifice.

and the more this thing unravels, the deeper and more gross the corruption and greed. something in DC stinks.

justin said...

i just heard on NPR that Dennis Kucinich proposed that the $700 billion bail-out be given to the american people in the form of market shares... and it would equal somewhere around $2300 PER CITIZEN that would hang out and get interest and pay us back for all the bullshit we've had to deal with.

christopher cunningham said...

maybe this will help:

H E R E.

otherwise, stop whining, says phil graham (who had nothing to do with any of this, for reals)...

j.b said...

i like that idea. Kucinich is batshit crazy, but he's onto something here.

hilarious. phil gramm can eat my shit. and i'll let him do it for free!

H. said...

Say--how about this wacky bailout, huh? A $700million bait-&-switch! I guess, instead of grinding the working man down slowly over 40 years of break-even wages, they're just vote gonna to take as much money as they can grab! GW's Coup D'Grace...no need to declare Martial Law when you've already stolen more than your unborn crackerspawn's crackerspawn can spend!

H. said...

My friend Scott said it best: We need Van Halen driving around on the back of a flatbed truck in the Financial District playing "JUMP"

How to solve the crisis: punish every one of these greedy demons for mortgaging our country's very future for pointless material gain.

Father Luke said...

Well, small kof, I've devised my own solution.


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Father Luke