my latest chapbook from
Propaganda Press, titled
Nowhere, Utah, is now available for $3 (plus $1 for shipping; $2 overseas). you can order online above, or send a check or money order to the address posted on their website.
Nowhere, Utah is a mini-chapbook. #5 in their Pocket Protector Series. it's only "mini" by size, not in quality. and there are 64 pages. not a bad price for that much poetry.
my other chapbook,
[untitled], by Propaganda Press is also still available if you haven't ordered it, yet. 60 pages. $7.
support the small press and your favorite local poet!
If you haven't picked up a copy of [untitled] you're either stupid or you just haven't gotten around to it.
So which is it, punk? Are you stupid or lazy?
Cuz buying this chap will cure both along with that little problem you've been having in the bedroom that we won't talk about.
i won't commit to the validity of my book helping in the erogenous areas of your life, but it will make you stronger and put hair on your chest. for you ladies, it'll get grease off of dirty dishes.
the rest of you are stupid, lazy punks, like Jeff said....and there is no help for you!
who you callin...oh,, I see, you're quite right.
my bedroom problem is heavy construction equipment. figure that one out, weirdo.
shit, lucky for Cynthia that you need those kinds of tools. me, well...tinker toys and legos are fine. hey, i'm a tall bastard but not proportional... :)
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