29 July 2005

garage sale, part two

just a quick update:
the Feel Free Press broadside listed in the previous post is no longer available. it has been purchased.

also, i neglected to mention the fact that anything you order will be personally inscribed by me to you. this might or might not sweeten the deal. no, i'm quite certain it doesn't, but it's true nonetheless.

a bit of good news (for me, though maybe not for you): i have two poems percolating in my skull. these are the first two things i will have written (once i finally sit down and do it) in approximately 3 months. the drought just before this one lasted over 6 months. not good. anyway, maybe this is the beginning of a wellspring of inspiration and creativity. then again, maybe it's just two unrelated and rare burbles that escaped from the dam.


Kat said...

Good to hear you are getting unblocked. I don't know if I was really blocked or I've just slowed down. Last year, when I first started writing again, I was writing something pretty decent every day! For weeks! Now, I'm lucky I get a good poem on paper once a week.


j.b said...

well, hopefully i'm getting unblocked, Kat. not sure...we'll see.

a good poem a week is pretty good. that adds up to 52 good ones a year. not bad at all. 2 chapbooks worth, if you think about it. :)