22 September 2005


well, we're back from housesitting for our friend. it's nice to be back. the best is going to be sleeping in our own bed, but a close second is being able to have consistent access to the internet.

the wife is working late tonight. sucks, but it happens. hell, i'll be working late nights in the coming weeks for sure. i've only been at work three weeks an i'm already swamped with so much work. it's ridiculous how busy and understaffed they are. ah hell.

i got a postcard from my buddy Henry Denander today announcing that he and another friend, Adrian Manning, will have a book out together for Art Bureau's Highball Reading Series. the book is titled Bring Down the Sun. i'm happy for them and look forward to seeing the new book. don't forget folks, if you like the poetry of any small press writers, you MUST support the small press by purchasing subscriptions to journals and purchasing chapbooks. without support it will die.

anyway, it's good to be back.

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