10 November 2005

sick as a dog

i came down with something last night. a head cold (dripping, sore throat, etc.). i don't do well as a sick person. i revert to a three year old. my wife hates it, but being the wonderful trooper she is, she takes care of me. i hope i can fight this off before our vacation (which i'm sure i can) and i hope i don't give it to her, because she'll almost definitely have it during then. flying with a head cold is never fun, either.
anyway, i think i'm gonna go lie back down on the couch and whine a little more. maybe mumble some melancholy sounds. and dose up on some over-the-counter cold remedies. medicine head, here i come!


Kat said...

Sending good vibes. Drink lots of juice...stop whining... :) Feel better. I hope neither one of you has to fly with a cold. That's the worst! :)

BMcG said...

Know how you feel j – similar thing going on here, just hope yous are ok for the trip. May I recommend 400 mg of ibuprofen (big pink skittle like bad boys - my batch was given to my wife by our wonderful free national health service upon leaving hospital after giving birth to Evie) in conjunction with some Paracetamol. Come to think of it I feel better sick than I do normally. Propped up and in work. Yours, high on pharms, farms?, mmoooooo, yeah.

j.b said...

Kat and Brian,

thanks, guys. i feel a ton better today. it's odd considering how sick i was yesterday. my immune system must be stronger than i expected. or the sinister virus i contracted is lying dormant for a later date, when i least expect it, and it ambushes me.

but, thanks.

Brian, what is Paracetamol? never heard of it. sounds kinda scary. but, Vitamin I is always close at hand. 800mg of Vitamin I will get you through just about anything.

BMcG said...

j, Paracetamol is common as hell over here – similar to aspirin. It is the first thing we reach for to cure a headache, hangover, cold, kids are given liquid Paracetamol for teething, temperature etc. An all rounder sold everywhere. The wee white tablets of a Saturday morning after some fried food.

j.b said...


i looked it up. it's another name for acetominophen, which we call Tylenol here. yes, good stuff. fever reducer, pain reliever, all around wonder drug. i'm more amenable to ibuprofen (Vitamin I) myself, but either will work.

funny how it has a different name in American and Ireland. wonder why?