14 September 2006

stationary bike

i started working out today -- riding a stationary bike for 30 minutes.
my thighs burned something fierce, but i kept up pretty good. it felt great to get the lungs puffing and the blood circulating.

tomorrow, i'll shoot for 45 minutes. any more than that and i'm sure to pass out.


BMcG said...

tour de France next then j ?

Kat said...

Go, justin!

30 minutes. Holy Crap. I started with 10 minutes and there are days when I STILL only move for ten minutes. Good for you. That burn sort of feels good, doesn't it?

j.b said...

tour de france? ha...well, since Americans have dominated it of late, maybe i should try it.

how long is it? could i do it in 45 minutes? :)

the burn SORT OF feels good, but not really. what felt the best was the opening of the lungs and the flush of endorphins.
i'm not too sore today, either. just a little tight. we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Kat said...

I'm weird...you knew this but I think the burn feels good.

Luis said...

On Jimmy Kimmel show they said there were 5 cities in 5 states that lead the country in life longevity, a place in Utah was number 2. So ride on, JB.

Luis said...

try playing soccer with 10, 11, & 12 year olds, without stretching out, working out in years, and running around with a tortilla belly. A hundred pounds ago I would have run circles around these kids, but today, I was winded after a few sprints with the ball, but at least I didn't pass out. I keep this up & maybe I could shed a few needed pounds. It was the adults (5) against the kids (9), it was great fun, but tomorrow I'll be feeling it.

I could still shoot the three over JB, I think.

j.b said...

you wouldn't even get the shot off, Luis! :)

man, be careful playing ball with those little ones. they'll run you ragged.

we could all lose a few pounds. even i. actually, i need to lose some fat and replace the lost weight with muscle. if i lose any actual weight i'd disappear.

speaking of which, has anyone seen that movie The Machinist? holy shit that movie was weird and freaky. Christian Bale is a nutcase for losing 60+ pounds. freaky. his next role was as Batman, too, and he gained all 60 pounds back PLUS another 40 in muscle. that has GOT to play havoc with your system.
at least i don't look like the Trevor guy from The Machinist. close, but nearly as gross.

Anonymous said...

Have you watched Supersize Me? Now THAT is some scary shit.

Mmmm ... I'm off to McDonald's. ;)

j.b said...

oh yeah, i have....that movie really grossed me out. crazy, scary shit. :)

i hope the McDonald's agreed with you!