06 October 2006

dominating the small press

my buddy Glenn W. Cooper appears in the recently released International Issue of the journal Poesy, where not only are his poems featured, but a wonderful interview. Glenn is an amazing poet living in a cultural island and continent wasteland in the middle of the Pacific.

this is Glenn's 4th interview (2nd in print) and i am so proud of -- and happy for -- him.

and thank you, Glenn, for the plugs for my own work; you're the tits.


Anonymous said...

Yes ... dominating the small press like Australia is dominating world baseball. ;)

But thanks!

j.b said...


i still say you're dominating it. if you're not, then what the hell am i doing? i've only had 1 interview in a small, now-defunct online journal. and it was a terrible one at that.

i always knew you'd make it big...you're almost there, bro! :)

Anonymous said...

Didn't you have interviews in Babel and Open Wide? That makes two!

Anonymous said...

*sniffs dejectedly*

cc: I've never been interviewed...

el c, b: why is that?

cc: I guess I'm an asshole.

el c, b: indeed.

cc: well, fuck you.

el c, b: see?

cc: but I still think glenn cooper is great.

el c, b: who cares what you think?

cc: me. and my dog.

el c, b: well, we can agree that justin.barrett is a twisted savage freak in need of a thorough hosing down with extra strength mace, right?

cc: right.

Anonymous said...

i think being a poet from Australia affords me a certain "freak" status.

Anonymous said...

well, we've got some mace for you too, you aussie freak.

we'll send someone round with a big can and a horsewhip, to make you feel loved.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a joke:

Why does Mike Tyson cry when he has sex?

It's the mace.

Kat said...


The Mike Tyson joke made me laugh. Mr. Cunningham, maybe someone can interview soon....Maybe? ;)

And justin, I remember the Open Wide Interview clearly. It was good.

christopher cunningham said...

damn glenn tha's some funny shiz.

Anonymous said...

he's my "Poet Creature," a foul beast made of swinish entrails and venom, with a rotten heart and a temper like a diseased wolverine.

he is Pure Sickness and should be stomped and chain whipped if he crosses you.

I keep him around solely to justify my own cruel existence.

j.b said...


nope, only interviewed once in Babel...no dice on the Open Wide one...

sorry, CC, but i can interview you if you'd like:

1) what's it like not ever being interviewed before?
2) why do you think you have never been interviewed before?
3) what's your favorite ______ ?
4) does it bother you that you've never been interviewed in the past, and that you're likely never to be interviewed again after this one?


el bastardo is a bastard. i hate him.

christopher cunningham said...

thanks j.b:

1: greasy. I feel strangely greasy.

2: see #1 above.

3: my favorite ____ is _____, but I also enjoy _____ during the winter months, as long as it's been properly serviced.

4: it's starting to bother me, motherfucker...why are you asking me all these questions? you work for the NSA or something? is that a black SUV? what's that noise?

*sprints into the woods*

j.b said...

i stand corrected. thanks, Casey. apparently i was interviewed by Open Wide as well. i don't remember it; but that's most likely because i listed C. Allen Rearick as a person i was currently reading and i wanted to erase that blunder from my memory.


great answers, Chris. you're a responsive and enjoyable interviewee. i have no idea why you don't get interviewed more. granted, the interviewer has to shower to get that greasiness off of him, but still...

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Casey, I KNEW he'd been interviewed in Open Wide!