17 October 2006

what i've been up to

it's been a while since my last update. not doing much of anything. just working, working out and working on The Guerilla Poetics Project stuff.

i've decided to whip together an update as my mother said if i didn't my "fans" would be upset. what a dear.
FANS! my mother is so funny. ya gotta love her.
the only fans i have are: myself, my dog, and my mother. and i'm not even certain about my dog.

anyway, there are a few things to update:

i received my subscription copies of Poesy, the International Issue, with a wonderful interview by my Australian buddy Glenn W. Cooper. and, he's kind enough to even mention me in it. thanks Glenn. Poesy is a great journal full of good poetry.

i also, out of the blue, received a package full of Poems-For-All from Richard Hansen and the 24th St. Irregular Press for my poem counterfeit poem. i had two other poems published for Poems-For-All, a few years ago.

Lastly, we've had a 6th broadside found and registered with The Guerilla Poetics Project. this movement is gaining some serious momentum, but we still need your help. if you are not already involved, please check the website out and support us. there are a variety of ways you can help us ranging from a straight donation to purchasing donated goods to becoming an operative in the field.


Luis said...


I just had a poem accepted by Poems-For-All

Kat said...

I just got my copy of Poesy....of course, the Florida post office took forever to send it! Anyway, I haven't read it yet but will...soon.

Luis, good for you!

I haven't had much time get here and read. I've been catching up on "remark." and working and I miss you guys!


j.b said...

congrats, Luis. they are great little things.

Poesy is good, Kat. it's pretty wild to read the international poets and see how their command of the English is better than most of the native speakers i know.

sad, really.

Luis said...


you should submit some work to Poesy.

Luis said...

and to poems-for-all.