09 November 2006

getting paid

i received my contributor's and subscriber's copies of The Stinging Fly in today's mail, along with a check for $30 as payment for the pleasure of being published.

it's not the first time i was paid for my poetry (i won a poetry contest a few years back which netted me $45 and came in second the year before for $20) but it is the first time i've been paid for a poem to be published in a non-contest issue. i think i could easily get used to this.

The Stinging Fly is out of Dublin, Ireland, and is a GORGEOUS, glossy journal filled with amazing writing (both Irish and International). it's a damned honor being published in it, and it's an indescribable feeling being paid for your work. i highly recommend it!


j.b said...

i may not be shit, but i gots $30 in my pocket and a fine, glossy mag in my hand all for putting pen to paper, baby!

do that a couple hundred more times and i can go ahead and quit my job.

Anonymous said...

word whore! :)

NinjasOfLoretto said...

and it was well worth the $30 they paid you - a beautiful poem (and a beautiful publication).

(still mulling over the GPP figuring out how I can make it work to be your manhattan operative...)

Luis said...

great news j.b.

j.b said...

oh yeah i am..you know it. but, we ALL are! :)

thanks, Kelly...really. you're too kind. when i read the poem again in the magazine i saw so many glaring errors i should've edited out...but, then it probably wouldn't have been published had i done that...

thanks, man....what a thrill!

Anonymous said...

i got three pounds once from that magazine in england .. um, "moussean" or some such? anyway,waived the fee in exchange for a subscription. that's the most i've ever been paid.

but i just sold one of my Neddy Smith chaps on ebay for $10. :)

BMcG said...

j - what glaring errors, you madman, great poem, looks well in the mag an’ all.

Karl – you are the luckiest among us.

Anonymous said...

That's the one, Casey.

j.b said...

if i could write pornography (AND get paid for it) i wouldn't waste my time on poetry.

thanks for the kind words Brian! really!

i remember Mouseion. i got one past them, but they stopped paying by the time i got it in. though, that's probably WHY i got it past them.