04 November 2006


i received a rejection today from The Burnside Review (my second rejection from them). it would appear i'm not quite right for them. shouldn't probably submit there anymore (mental note).

i also heard back from Adrian Manning of Concrete Meat Press that my poem "marriage as still life" will be published in a future issue of his one-sheet journal Concrete Meat (potentially issue 4). i'll update when it comes out.

other than that, not much going on. i've submitted very little in the last few months, so i shouldn't expect much in the way of rejections (or acceptances) in the near future. and, neither should you.


H. said...

Concrete Meat Sheet is shaping up to be a good one...I'm honored to be joining you on #4.

christopher cunningham said...

as well as I in #4...

Anonymous said...

i'll know not to submit, there.

j.b said...

hey, cool....it'll be good to share #4 with both of you guys...


you'd probably make one past them. you always have better luck in the place i can't get a sniff. go for it!

Luis said...

i'll be in a future issue of concrete meat as well

j.b said...

sweet...good job, Luis! :)

Luis said...


Yes, I'll be in number 4 too.
I just checked.