26 April 2007

forgive me father...

it's been 11 days since my last post. things are pretty slow around here.

i got rejected twice by Barnstorm Magazine.

i haven't written much at all in the last 7 months, and absolutely nothing at all in the last 4. it happens. there are reasons for this current drought that are beyond my control, and i hope for it all to come back in the next few months. we'll see. the last poem i wrote was so bad that the paper i wrote it on literally shuttered at the horror. i would hate for that to be my swan song, but we all can't retire with our last at-bat being a home run.

my mother-in-law is in town for a 10 day visit. the wife is healing quite nicely and will be titrated off Coumadin soon. other than that, it's been not much of anything else. at least spring is finally here.

oh, and we've surpassed 100 finds for the Guerilla Poetics Project (107 as of this post) and are moving along quite nicely. it's the one bright spot in my life (poetically-speaking) lately.

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