26 April 2007

if only he weren't serious

what? two posts in one day?
yup, seems like it.

well, i couldn't pass up this little nugget of dumbfuckery. you might think he was joking; but you'd be wrong.

welcome to Utah, folks. enjoy your stay. watch out for satan and fairies and evil salt nymphs. satyrs and mermaids are probably here, too.


christopher cunningham said...

well, shit, of course satan is behind it.

and his right hand minions in DC.

j.b said...

yeah...it's so obvious.

satan is behind everything. that's the great thing about being a sheep, there's not thinking involved. all good comes from god, all bad comes from satan. easy peasy.

the scary thing to me isn't that fact that simpletons are around, but that they often get into power of some sort. how the fuck does that happen? especially when they get VOTED into it? jesus. i shouldn't be shocked by this sort of thing, but goddamnit i am!

Luis said...

hilarious...el diablo is everywhere, but I bet el diablo feels more at home in America. (As Utah goes, goes the country.) You're in for some hot times in Utah if el diablo gets more immigrants into your state...That beautiful snow will melt away in winter.

christopher cunningham said...

hey, your crazy is on C&L.

j.b said...

nice...glad to see Utah is getting the recognition it deserves as a bastion of backwards thinking and severe mental retardation.
