02 June 2008

is there anybody out there?

there were very few out there when i wrote this damned thing full time. but, maybe...just maybe...there are some scragglers who check this thing in the hopes that i'll come back. today is your lucky day, you sick puppies (just as today is a shitty day for all editors...you thought you were rid of me. well, think again douchebags!) -- seems i'm back.

of course, my mother is probably the only one who checks this thing anymore. so, HI MOM! love you.

so, what brought about this ignominious return?
well, my good friend Hosho McCreesh informed me, a week ago, that it had been a full year since i hung up my spurs for the soft days of margaritas and 'smores. i hadn't realized. seems like it's been both longer and shorter than that. either way, a year is a long time and i've used it to recharge, to think, to learn, to read all the shit being published out there by all those poemwhore hacks and i realized i needed to rejoin the fray. a sort of attempt to clean up this mess.
just kidding. sorta. but not really.

anyway, lots of shit has happened in the intervening year. maybe i'll get to it in future posts. maybe not. i'm sure i'll hit some of it (like my many trips to Luxembourg and Tangiers and Laos, all the bands i hung out with while they were on tour, all the novels i wrote and won Pulitzers and Nobels for, all the concept cars i helped design and got to drive...maybe i'll get to all that if i have time and run out of interesting stuff to talk about).

what's that? i've dodged the question long enough, you say?
well, the answer is yes. i'm writing again, though haltingly and sparingly, but that's okay. i've become the Stuart Smalley of the small press world. (you remember him, right? i'm good enough, i'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.) only my mantra is: i'm sick, i'm tired and doggone it, shut the fuck up because i just don't have the time for your incessant whining you fucking, little pansy! oh, and you smell.
i've also decided to give myself a break, and vowed to not put so much pressure on myself to create. i'd lost the enjoyment of writing poetry and when that happened it was only a matter of time before i quit. i'm looking to rediscover that enjoyment again. so far, so good.

work sucks. thought i'd throw that in there. hate it. wish it didn't exist. hate most of the fools there. Utah is a spectacular place, but it sure does breed it's fair (or more than fair) share of weird, foolish, socially-inept people. happens to be that a majority of them work at my company. lucky me.

what else? not much. just glad to be back. and hope to slowly get back into the scene. hope you saved a spot for me.


christopher cunningham said...


is this poet on?

sounds like it.

welcome back, mssr. buttons.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the abattoir...

j.b said...

the floors are sticky with blood and offal, so it must so.

thanks for the kind words. Mr. Buttons is happy to be back and to fill your boring lives with tales of daring-do and to regale you all with ripping yarns woven just for your amusement.

back i am. and i'm as strong as ever.

Luis said...

welcome back,
your dreams are your ticket out...
is that how it goes?

Justin, glad to hear you are
writing again...

I made my first blog entry
in C.C.'s blog in a while &
now this...

So, I guess you're taking the Celtics. But this is the new, better Lakers, so watch out...

Amanda said...

welcome back, although i'm still not there, here? i've been on a break for over a year now, wow.

j.b said...

Luis and amanda,
thanks. glad to be back.

the Celtics have this one. sorry!

i didn't realize you were on a break from writing, too. sorry to hear this. i know how terrible the feeling can be. scary, even, sometimes. hang in there...hope you're well!

BMcG said...

holy jesusin feck you’re back – nice one, lookin forward to the fun and games this blog always produced.

and writing again, good to hear

j.b said...

i'm back, baby.
yeah, some poems here, a few there. watch out buddy.

oh, and congrats on the book with sunnyoutside. fantastic!