23 July 2008

blinkers and motorcycles and bicycles, oh my (oh, and a poetry update)

i can't believe i didn't discuss this in my previous driving rants, but what the fuck is up with people not knowing how to use a blinker? or even what their purpose is? blinkers (or directionals, for you Europeans among us) are not an afterthought clicked on as you're making your turn, or a compulsory movement you make while you're already in your turning lane.
blinkers are to warn other people what you are about to do, so they don't suddenly ram you with their car. far too many people use blinkers as if they facilitate the turn or something. if you're already in the fucking turning lane, what's the point? put it on before you brake and get into the turning lane.
seriously, people who misuse blinkers piss me off more than those who don't use them at all. if you're willing to use the damn thing, use it properly for christ's sake!

motorcycles. have you suddenly noticed more motorcycles out on the road recently. well, apparently these things get better mileage, which means this sudden increase is a direct result of the rising gas prices. that wouldn't be so bad except controlling a motorcycle isn't easy, and isn't for everyone. with all these morons trading in their Hummers and F-150s for Harleys, without really knowing how to drive the fucking thing, we know have an interstate full of halfwit motorcycle riders (most without helmets, as that's only an optional accessory here in Utah). they're making it even more dangerous to drive on the highways, which is pretty fucking amazing.

well, what can i possibly have against bicycles? nothing, really, except there're more of those, too. and there's a small segment of bicycle riders (i.e. the director of HR for my company...ahem) who REFUSE to use the goddamn bike lane made specifically for them and ride on the edge of the car lane. what the fuck? one of these days: oops, the sun was in my eyes and my side view mirror just caught him. what, i was doing 80 in a 20? and witnesses say i swerved towards him? i don't know about all that, officer, but he was in my lane...
get over into your little, fucking lane, okay guy? christ! i'm bigger than you and the goofy fucking helmet isn't going to save your ass. (seriously, i have nothing against bikes and i'd ride to work if i didn't live so far from work, it's just some people ruin all the fun for everyone else).

poetry updates:
received good news from Jeff Fleming of nibble that two poems have been accepted for future issues. one for issue #2 and one for issue #3. hot damn. glad as hell to be in future issues of this promising new journal.

i also have been selected as one of 5 poets to be included amongst the inaugural releases of the new 10pt Press, out of Ireland. they will be broadsides designed by the ultra-talented Sean Lynch. the other 4 poets are Brian McGettrick, Hosho McCreesh, Christopher Cunningham and Tony O'Neill. a small glimpse of the O'Neill and McCreesh broadsides are available on the website, and i've seen the first draft of mine. all are AMAZING. words cannot describe the beauty these broadside will display. i'm proud as fuck to be included in this project, and with such amazing poets as Chris, Brian, Hosho and Tony!

UPDATE: Sean has posted a teaser pic of the broadside on the 10pt Press website. check it out. the thing just purrs, my friend. sexy as hell. is Lynch a madman genius? the verdict is still out, but i wouldn't bet against it! i know he's half of that, at least. ;)
i've already reserved a copy of all the other broadsides, and i recommend you do the same as these things aren't going to be available for too long. with an Aug/Sept release for them, and only 50 copies printed, most might be sold before they even ship!


H. said...

Right back atcha, man. Can't wait to see what Lynch dreams up. I'm saving my pennies...

Casey Rearick said...

congrats man. great to have ya' back!

j.b said...

thanks guys. proud as hell and glad to finally be in the swing of things once again.

check out the teaser post on the 10pt press website.

H. said...

Sneak peek looks terrific! Gonna go sign me up right now!

christopher cunningham said...

um, blinkers are representative of the mentality of humanity today as they are intended to not only protect the DRIVER from being rearended, but the driver BEHIND them as well. and nobody gives enough of a fuck about THEMSELVES much less the idiot behind them to bother with such silly things.

more suvs! more walmart! more industry! more chinese manufactured lead based foodstuffs!

more and faster goddammit!

(go sean lynch go!)

j.b said...

good point, Chris...so true.
nobody gives a fuck about anybody anymore, including themselves...

oh, and sean lynch in my new hero. i am official president of his fan club (The Lynchmob)!

flahute said...

Having diced it up with cabbies and busses in downtown San Francisco before moving to Salt Lake City and discovering our wonderful 8-mile wide bike lanes and/or shoulders on the roads here ... Brother Brigham certainly got one thing right when he made the roads as wide as they are:

The law says "as far to the right as is practicable"; not as far to the right as physically possible. Practicable carries a lot of meanings, but in law, it means reasonable or feasible.

There are many times when it is NOT reasonable (read safe) to ride in the bike lane; the bike lanes are typically the last things to be repaired for road damage (potholes, etc.), and are often magnets for other road debris (broken glass, primarily).

Now, the cyclist who takes the lane all the time, and refuses to yield to traffic behind him "because it's our right as a vehicle" is a fucking idiot.

But there are times when we're over there because it's the safest thing for us to do (assuming that the cagers behind us pay attention to the law).

And is the 3-5 extra seconds you have to sit behind us until you can safely get around us really going to be that significant an inconvenience?

But as both a cyclist and a driver, cyclists who refuse to show any courtesy to the drivers behind them (and then complain about the lack of courtesy that drivers show cyclists), and don't pay attention to traffic laws (and then complain about drivers who don't pay attention to traffic laws) really piss me off as well.

Not quite to the extent where I feel they deserve to be Darwined, though ...

flahute said...

I'm a wordy motherfucker, ain't I?