28 July 2008

a shameless plug

in the last post i mentioned 10pt Press and their first 5 broadsides, of which i am proud and honored to be one.
the broadside of my poem (Marriage, as Still Life) is designed and ready to be printed (and it's shit hot!) for an August/September release. Sean Lynch of 10pt Press is taking pre-shipment orders already, and for $5 a broadside (one that is beautiful enough to be framed and hung on your wall, even in your living room where it will look totally awesome), it's a steal. so, please, if you're into my stuff, and you want to own a geniune art object, head over to the website, check out the teaser previews (which show a small part of just how amazing these fuckers are going to look), and send Mr. Lynch an email reserving a copy for yourself. There are only 50 being printed, so they won't be around for too long.

and, while you're at it, reserve a copy of the other 4 (by Tony O'Neill, Christopher Cunningham, Hosho McCreesh, and Brian McGettrick), they promise to be just as scintillating and just as gorgeous. my order for one of each is already in.

/end plug


christopher cunningham said...

if the

"/end plug"

comes with the order, I'd like mine shipped without it.



(and buy MY broadside too. it has guns in it. and it's sexy.)

j.b said...

ba-da-ding. thanks folks, that's Mr. Cunningham. You can see him in Atlanta this weekend. Next weekend he headlines at Zany's in Des Moines, and later next month you can catch him ....

you, sir, are hilarious! :)

actually, the /end plug will cost you extra. you can install it yourself. ha!

you broadside comes with guns? and sexy ones at that? jesus. let's see, and /end plug with mine, sexy guns with yours...what does Hosho's come with?


H. said...

Solar fusion--which can power a shitton of personal electronics! So buy it today!

christopher cunningham said...

I'll bet it could also power a whole lot of Doc Barrett's Old Fashioned End Plugs.

j.b said...

aw man, i got totally gypped. fusion? guns? and i get an /end plug? i don't even want to know what McGettrick or O'Neill got... :)

one unit of solar fusion could power ALL of Doc B's Olde Fashioned /Ende Plugges for approximately forever.

and what an eternity of fun that would be....oh, dare to dream. :)

flahute said...

So let me get this straight ... if I buy all of these broadsides, I'll get sexy guns, solar fusion, /end plugs, and who knows what all else?

Count me in!

But someone better buy me a beer or 10 before that /end plug gets anywhere near me.

The captcha image below says ZGTWHL ...

I'm trying to figure out what Zaget has to do with wheels.