09 July 2008

driving redux, and a bit about science

it appears my driving post from a little bit ago did no good at all. it's as if very few people actually read my blog. that can't be.

well, regardless, people are still driving as retarded as ever. and with the increase in gas prices, we've got morons accelerating slower when a red light turns green, or on an interstate on-ramp, or refusing to get anywhere near speed limit (all in the hopes of squeezing a few more miles per gallon out of their Hummers or Suburbans).

i know it'll never change, but it still pisses me off having to negotiate around these dipshits every day.


as most of you know, i work as a scientist. my official title is Scientist III. i studied science in college and have a fairly firm grasp on the scientific method and what it entails. what gets me is how little science is thought of in the general public, to non-scientists (especially politicians). i don't understand this, but it definitely exists. and, i'm not talking about those moonbat creationists who refuse to believe in the soundness of evolutionary biology. i'm talking about the everyday people who work as accountants and waitresses and bus drivers.

i get the sense that most people think science is little changed from early Greek society, when it was in the realm of philosophy, to be debated and argued and discussed; each person with a different "scientific" view of the world. trust me, it's not. nor are we in our basements trying to conjure the final alchemical formula to change lead into gold (or at least we only do that during our spare time).

science is a strict discipline of measuring, formulating, observing, theorizing, gathering more data, fine tuning theories and always (ALWAYS) updating current thought to whatever data we currently have. Newton was right until Einstein came along. it doesn't make Newton wrong, just less precise. Linneaus was all we had until Darwin. and current science builds on the previous work of scientists who've come before us.

so, what does all this mean? it means science is the best "guess" (and by guess i mean best theory based on facts as we know them now) as to how the world works; be it evolution, global warming, quantum physics or the theory of plate tectonics. there might be a discovery later that changes our current thoughts, but it WILL be fact-based.

ignoring science because it seems a little weird (quantum physics) or doesn't jive with your current (religious) world view (evolution) or is politically charged (global warming) is foolish. you do so at your own risk (and in some cases, at the risk of everyone you love). pretty much every major advancement we have seen as a species could be attributed directly to science.

we do i rant about this? i'm just sick and tired of hearing politicians and religious leaders and, well, damn near everyone else bemoan the evil that is science. without science, we wouldn't have tvs, refrigerators, cars, or airplanes. without science, we'd still die from simple bacterial infections and would have a life expectancy somewhere around 40. without science, we would still be worshipping gods and revere men who wear funny hats (oh, wait...). without science, we would still be in the Dark Ages. some people find that comforting, i find it frightening.

thanks, science; we love you!


Anonymous said...

"It doesn't make Newton wrong, just less precise." THAT... is something I will remember, and quote at people, so I will seem all intelligent and whatnot.

Please consider using your science skillz and your wife's zoo connections to train me an attack monkey, maybe a capuchin or something; one that looks cute but that will bite someone's face off. I need it for work. Smooches,

mjp said...

You are so in trouble with Jesus!

christopher cunningham said...

from our friend Colbert:

"I’ve never been a fan of amphibians. Not only do they strengthen the argument for evolution, they are nature’s fence sitters. Come on amphibians–which is it? Water or land? Pick one. We’re at war."

"Equations are the devil’s sentences!"

"Just because they represent an absolute quantity, numbers think they have some special claim to the truth. But numbers can be used to prove anything. “Sussudio” was a number one song — that doesn’t mean it’s good. Even though it is."

so there.

Father Luke said...

I had a chemistry set when I was a
about five years old.

My dad threw the set away and told me
to grow up. I can relate.

Aldous Huxley said:

That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.

Kind of neat that I can throw an
Aldous Huxley quote in there.

In case I don't get the chance,
happy birthday on the 15th j.b

- -
Father Luke

Anonymous said...

Science? Boo! Hiss!

-- Unabomber

Jeff Fleming said...

I think your two topics are very closely related. It's like George Carlin said, and I'm paraphrasing, you meet a lot of stupid people in the course of a day and those ones are the AVERAGE!

People get behind the wheel and they get dumber. This is a scientific fact.

Also, people doubt science because they are too stupid to understand it. How many people can speak at length, with intelligence about anything scientific? Not many. How many people can say "the Lord works in mysterious ways" or "God made heaven and Earth?"

Why should I think when I can thank (or blame) some unseen mystical force in the universe and then climb back behind the wheel of my Ford Monstrosity and drive 35on the highway while texting, reading the funnies and watching porn on my in-dash flat panel?

Sign I saw today written on a piece of cardboard:

Your a dumbass

Yes, yes indeed.

H. said...

Yeah...I'm not proud of it, but I once saw the movie YOUNG EINSTEIN staring Yahoo Serious at the Ghetto-mark Movie 8 here in Burque...& some real science lovers were kind enough to read the following from the screen, & I quote:

"E equals M C Two"

Since then I've been a little put off by science, frankly...

H. said...

Also, happy birthday...you damn dirty ape!

christopher cunningham said...


well, happy...

*young einstein* snort...

well said jeff!

j.b said...

ms. babs-
use it all you want. but, quoting me might be a mistake. i tend to bloviate on shit i know nothing about. tread carefully! :) an attack monkey....hmmm....maybe a four-assed ape....

yeah, i owe Jesus a whole shitload of money....i really am in trouble with him....oh, and the christ, too, with all my blaspheming! :)

Colbert is a fucking genius. i love him. great lines.

i had a chemistry set, too. i remember making clouds in a bottle and shit like that. then i mixed bleach and ammonia on my own. oops...sorry mom for the lung you coughed up! :) good old Huxley. great line....so true.

you're dead on, man. religion and faith are crutches used by those too afraid to face life without the reassurance that things will be okay (they won't), or that this will all end with something happy (ditto). that "god is mysterious" bullshit pisses me off. cop out.

your a dumbass. i love it. you can't make that shit up! :)

E equals MC two. oh my. i don't know what to say to that. Yahoo Serious...whatever happened to that fucker?
oh, and thanks for the birthday wish. 35 is a crazy year. halfway to 70...

cc (again)-
thanks....some would say i'm a young einstein, but only in looks. har har!