08 September 2008

the truth about taxes

Obama will likely lower your taxes. McCain likely will raise them.

by how much you say? go here to find out.

the difference for me was over $2200. And, unlike rich bastards who already have more money than they know what to do with, i'll actually spend mine on bills (which will help the economy...call it trickle UP economics).


christopher cunningham said...

I had a problem with 'trickling up' but I got some salve and it healed nicely...

j.b said...

nothing a little penicillin and some tax breaks won't cure.

now THAT'S change we can believe in.

oh, and how fucking sick are you guys of all the lying coming out of McCain's camp. not just half-truths and fibs, but outright LIES.
have you seen the new ad saying Obama wants to teach sex to children before they know how to read. disgraceful, classless, lying sacks of shit. add this to another reason why we can't have him in the white house.

1979 semi-finalist said...

great site. thanks jus...forwarding it to everyone i've ever met right now :)