06 September 2008

word clouds

here's something fun: word clouds for the Obama and McCain nomination speeches. Click the word clouds to see a larger version.

first, Obama's speech:

now, McCain's speech:

and just for shits and giggles, here's the word cloud from that nutcase Giuliani's speech from the RNC:

i doctored Giuliani's speech a little, as you probably guessed. i removed some 9-11 references to help the shape of the word cloud. ;)

check out wordle to create your own. it's fun and there are a variety of fonts, themes and such to use.
here are two i made for the GPP:


mjp said...

Well that's just disturbing.


mjp said...


j.b said...

that's cool.
i love this little program. the smog one was funny. what's up with you and your fascination with ROCKERS! :)

mjp said...

Well, that was just a recent article, but if I could get the thing to read all the blog entries, then you're really see how disturbed I am...