22 August 2005

and life continues on...

well, i've calmed down a bit since yesterday evening's post. i had a few emails from some of you either wanting to know who the person was (and making some guesses of your own) or related some of your own "humans are the worst" stories. thank you for those.

but, life continues on...

the electrician came today to fix the electrical issue our swamp cooler was experiencing. well, being the non-technical, handi-less dolt that i am, it was nothing more than a simple blown fuse. you know, those old screw in kind that look like little light bulbs? hell, i didn't even know there was a fuse box in the basement. i only knew of the circuit breaker we have mounted to our outside wall. well, i felt like a moron; but the guy was nice enough. apparently, the motor in the swamp cooler is fried, and the electricity overloaded trying to make it work, thereby blowing the fuse. so, now the damn swamp cooler guy has to come back and replace the pump. lord have mercy! this BETTER be the end of it all.

tomorrow is a big day for yours truly. the buyers are having a final walk-through of the house. i hope they are ready to see a humongous mess: boxes stacked and scattered everywhere, in various states of filled; bags of junk and clothes and other crap piled everywhere; a broken, half-ripped-out ceiling fan; disassembled furniture. i hope they don't freak out.
then, tomorrow is my last day at my current job, the place i call Techson Medical Supply. it'll be a bittersweet departure: sad because i'll miss the people, but happy because i won't ever have to deal with the bullshit again. at least not at this place. i'm sure my new place has it's own brand of bullshit. but, new bullshit is better than old bullshit any day!
lastly, the closing of the sale of our house is tomorrow afternoon. a busy, busy day. after the closing, this are pretty much over. we just finish up with the repairs and packing and moving.

one good thing in my life is the impending, and quickly approaching, start to college football. have i mentioned i'm a football freak? well, i am. college football, in general, is my favorite. i can't wait. those Saturdays will make all the stress and anxiety be quickly forgotten.

1 comment:

j.b said...


yeah, it's definitely an American phenomenon, this college football fanaticism. i will admit i got caught up in it when i was in college, and it has only strengthened the last 10 years. i like pro football, too.
as for hockey, i'm a typical American in that i don't like it. i can respect the athleticism involved, but the game itself leaves me wanting.
thanks for the kind wishes regarding my job. today was tough, leaving this one i'd been at for 6 years. but, life moves on.