23 August 2005

last day and closing

today was the last day at my job. it was a bittersweet day as i will miss many of the people with whom i worked. there are, of course, a number of people who will not be missed at all. but, i will never have to worry about that place again, and that's a great feeling.

today was also the closing of the sale of our house. it's a good feeling. once the buyers' loan funds, which should be Friday, we'll have our money in the bank and this chapter of our lives will be complete.

i wrote a little today. probably just a release from all the stress i've been keeping pent up the last six or seven months. an exhale of creativity.

only thing left, now, is the moving of all of our crap this weekend.
i will be without internet service from this Friday until the following Wednesday evening. this obviously means no updates here, but also no emails; so, if you don't hear from me in that time period it probably means i'm not ignoring you (though, that necessarily can't be discounted), and will get back with you once i get back online.

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