21 August 2005

what is wrong with humans?

i know this is a ridiculous question, because the answer probably leans towards "what ISN'T wrong with humans?" but, my god.
i just had another falling out with another goddamn writer. the fourth in the last few years. why, you ask? too many fucking people with too much ego. too many people saying shit to me that they don't think i'll call them on, then when i do they get pissed. too many people not willing to admit to themselves that they AREN'T the most important thing in everybody else's lives. whatever.

i won't mention who the person is, but he'll read this (i'm certain of it, even though he said he would end all correspondence (ironically, in his penultimate email to me); his last email was 12 hours later that consisted of a poem of nothing more than my quotes on what i thought of him spliced together).
what precipitated the fall out, you ask? he made mention of the fact that he was looking to shop a new manuscript around. i said he should wait while his most recent one runs its course, get the most mileage out of his books, you know? he got pissed and said, "If you're not interested in publishing me, why should you care if someone else might be interested?"
i took that as a slam against my rejecting him in the past. then he said, "I guess you're not going to help out a friend, much like I have kept you in mind for things. I Gotta (sic) stop being so generous."

!!! oh, i don't think so, hombre!
that sure as hell put me in a rage. so, all the time he kept me in mind for things (which amounted to emails about possible anthologies and magazines) were only so that i might repay him by publishing him? oh no, i don't think so. fuck that.

well, i called him on it: "you are so damn self-absorbed. you helped me with some anthology outlets, so i'm supposed to spend my money to publish you?! get bent!"
that shit doesn't fly with me. you call me out, you better expect me to respond. this is the fourth fucking person to do this to me, in one way or another. and the fourth to get pissed after i called them on their comments. and you know what? my life has been easier with the other three out of my life.

he responded (in his email where he said he wouldn't talk to me anymore) that he wasn't self-absorbed. that he does all these nice things out of the kindness of his heart (despite what he said (and implied) in his email). yeah, sure. you're a fucking martyr.
further proof of his self-absorbed, drama-queen, prima donna attitude is the fact that he sent me an email (out of the blue) saying that he hates his life and he wants to die. oh, give me a fucking break. what the shit am i supposed to do with that? this is ultimate proof of the fact that he thinks the world revolves around him. oh no, poor little guy hates his life and instead of doing something about it, would rather email a person halfway across the country that he wants to kill himself. please!

now, i understand that everyone, ultimately, is selfish and self-absorbed. altruism is NOT a way to live. i don't expect him (or anyone) to do me favors, nor should anyone expect me to do favors for them. i understand this, but to say that you want to kill yourself (to someone you've never met, no less) is ultimately selfish (if not crazy).

anyway, fuck it. humans are too much to deal with. all i want to do is write and live my life, until i can do neither. i don't have the time, or empathy, to deal with this kind of bullshit. go find someone who gives a damn.


NinjasOfLoretto said...

wow jus.

i leave for just a bit and you go all nuts and live a life and such. i will never be so delinquent in my readings again. i am so pleased for you. while it seems like stress and worry to you who are mired in it - to those of us reading it looks so much like a very full life - with lots of fantastic if difficult surprises around the bend...

i'm missing you all the way from new york...which should sound even more intense than missing you all the way from california...cause it is...

j.b said...

well, thanks Kel!
if only it were true, though. it might be a life, but no more so than any other save for the stress, anxiety and constant hassles.
the difficult surprises around the bend are the hardest. :)

visit every so often. not that anything much ever happens, but maybe you'll feel better about yourself for not having been born me! :)