29 May 2006

i forgot

to mention what kind of things, poetically speaking, i've received lately.

my buddy Glenn W. Cooper has book of poetry, a joint-chap with Michael Estabrook, out with Nerve Cowboy's Liquid Paper Press, titled methinks i see my father. i've not seen the book yet (though it's in the mail), but i have been priviledged to see the poetry and artwork and, trust me folks, this is going to be one helluva fucking book. do yourself a favor and pick this up. for $6 it's a deal.

my buddy (mentioned in the previous post) Christopher Cunningham has a new chapbook of poems and letters (And Still The Night Left To Go: Poems and Letters) coming out soon by Bottle of Smoke Press. I received a small broadside of one of the poems the other day. Simply brilliant. This book will be amazing. If you've not had the pleasure of sitting back on a cold evening, drinking a beer, maybe some Miles Davis or Rachael Yamagata on the stereo, reading one of Mr. Cunningham's letters, then you've truly missed out. i'll update when the book is ready. i can't wait to get my hands on one.

my buddy C. Allen Rearick has a new joint-chap venture with Greg-O, from GreenPandaPress, which is available now. Limited to 69 copies, so pick one up soon. i hope Mr. Rearick will post a reply to this with the info on how to get one.

lastly, i received word from Eric Dejaeger that he would like to do a dual-language English/French chapbook of my poetry later this year. i'm very excited about this, of course, and will pass on more information as it becomes available.

there's some good stuff out there. more good stuff on the horizon (including some new chapbooks and broadsides from my own Hemispherical Press (once we move into the new house) by Christopher Cunningham, Owen Roberts, C. Allen Rearick, Michael David McNamara and others). keep a eye here for updates.


christopher cunningham said...

congrats on the dual language book j.b. should be great. McCreesh did some stuff with yer Belgian as well, I believe.

I will ship some bucks to joe and jerry for the book you mentioned, sounds like a winner and you can't go wrong with those guys. (although it seems like they pubbed some big time asshole last year so it's good to know they only fuck up once...)

j.b said...

thanks. yes, i believe McCreesh did do something similar.

yeah, they (Liquid Paper Press) publish some good and some bad. you can't win them all! :) i remember that asshole you speak of, i think he won their chapbook contest. man, what a douchebag!
but his poetry is the best.

let me know what you think of the book by Cooper and Estabrook.