29 May 2006

well hot damn

the weather has changed. it's cold and gritty outside, now, but the sky is so blue it's as if you're stuck in the lattice of a sapphire looking out. small clouds cling to the mountains like an infant primate to its mother. the sun is bright and clear, but the air is still crisp.
it's been a long, long time since my last update. i don't even know if anyone is still around; if anyone still remembers me; if anyone still cares. there were numerous reasons for my absence, but let's just say the rumors of my demise (now matter how self-created) were greatly exaggerated. or, if not GREATLY exaggerated, at least hyperbolized a bit. i'm not dead. i've not quit. i'm still here. i'm still writing, or that is to say, i'm writing again. and i'll be here for a long while. at least as long as the cosmos feel i should be.

what have i been up to? not a whole helluva lot. but, i needed the rest. i needed the break. our house is still NOT yet completed (more about this later). it's getting humorous now, almost. there's probably a month left on it, but they'll stretch it out to two, no doubt.
fuck it.

like i said earlier, i've been writing again. things were difficult for me for awhile, there. i lost my way. i got wrapped up in my own bullshit and stuck in some kind of negative biofeedback loop. there are a few good friends to thank for helping me out of my "funk". you know who you are. THANK YOU. the last time i was writing this regularly was over 15 months ago. now THAT'S a fucking writer's block. jesus.

the country still has a moron at the helm. and he's downright determined to fuck over everyone. well, fuck him. and his goverment. and his fucking tax cut. fuck it all.

i've been posting a bit over at Christopher Cunningham's fabulous blog Upright Against the Savage Heavens. you've heard me talk about Mr. Cunningham before. This man is the real fucking deal when it comes to poetry. he's also quite political and has a few interesting things to say about the current state of our union.

that's about it. waiting on the house, writing some wry, little poems, working, and trying to stay alive just one more day.


christopher cunningham said...

lemme be the first to say, welcome back sir. I look forward to one more place in the blogosphere where sanity can be found.

keep swinging.

BMcG said...

slap my feckin thigh and call me margaret – well no, on second thought don’t but it is good to see you back

let the raging continue...

j.b said...

thank you both for the kind sentiments.

it's good to be back. it's good to finally see the light (any light) at the end of the tunnel. i only hope it's not a seething locomotive barrelling towards me.

christopher cunningham said...

well, either way...

christopher cunningham said...

problem solved.

j.b said...

yeah, i suppose you're right.