07 June 2006

good damn advice

so, it appears i'm not the only one who's a stickler for proper grammar and spelling.

remember folks, spelling and grammar matters.
even in email.


Kat said...

I'm good on most of these except effect/affect. Now, ask me about how to use a semi-colon! I won't have the answer! :)

christopher cunningham said...

it shows more of a lack of attention than a lack of knowledge. I use "thru" (it is in the dictionary) but I know it SHOULD be "through."

but I'm paying attention.

nothing makes me ignore someone's ideas quicker than really poor grammer/spelling. if you can't be bothered to spellcheck or learn the use of "their" and "there," then I can't be bothered to crush all of your (not "you're) poorly formed, poorly researched (no comma here) and poorly posited thoughts.


j.b said...


the effect/affect thing is difficult for a lot of people. oddly, so is the then/than thing.

as for semicolons; don't worry about them.

unless you're making a winking smiley. ;)

well said. and i wholeheartedly agree. my wife says i'm a grammar and spelling pedant, and that i'm annoying. whatever. like you said, spelling and grammar are so important. ESPECIALLY is something like poetry where words and ideas are a premium. unless you are specifically TRYING to confuse the reader, why do confuse them?

anyway, thanks for the comments guys.

christopher cunningham said...

here is the link I mentioned in the email j.b.:

John Heffron's Blog

now, this guy WON the show LAST COMIC STANDING, and is in fact FUCKING HILARIOUS in his standup. BUT, now I have a greatly lessened opinion about the guy on a deeper level. I might still go check out his standup because there are not enough funny people in this shitty world, but jeez, HOLLY FUCK? THERE?

jeez. that's all I'm saying.

christopher cunningham said...


I might be guilty of one or two, on deeper reading.

they're you go, I guess.


christopher cunningham said...

and sorry for all the swearing I have done, am doing and will do.

Kat said...

Then/than...I've got that one down. I drive my kids nuts. They'll be fighting and I'll be correcting them! Yesterday, I wish I had a link, my oldest (Almost 16!) was reading someone's blog. It was scary! I don't think one word was spelled right. Grammar? HA! Not even close. Emma was making fun of the girl. So, I guess, it has rubbed off on my kids. :)

j.b said...

I remember that guy. Funny as hell. But, you're right. You lose a little respect for him due to the spelling and grammar errors. It's grating, even.

No worries about profanity in this blog. I come from a long line of profane individuals. Profanity is one of the major food groups in the Barrett household. Fucking A!

You should be proud your daughters have caught the grammar/spelling bug. It's SO important. Imagine if Lincoln or Jefferson or Whitman or Shakespeare (or whoever) didn't know how to spell or screwed up grammar? Just because you're not drafting a declaration of independence doesn't mean you can't write as if you are. you know?