07 June 2006


i received Glenn W. Cooper and Michael Estabrook's new split-chap, methink i see my father, published by Liquid Paper Press, the imprint of Nerve Cowboy's editors.
this chapbook is gorgeously designed and features fabulous poetry about each poet's father, both of whom died while the poets were young.

the book goes for $6 and is well worth every single penny.


Kat said...

I got a copy of this yesterday. Haven't had time to open it but it is beautiful. I also got When Pattie Would Fall Asleep by Michael. And one by Joseph Sheilds. I can't wait until I have time to read again!

j.b said...

oh, it's a fabulous book. let us know your thoughts when you finish.

christopher cunningham said...

I will be purchasing my copy with my next submission to the COWBOY. and Kat, is that a new J. Shields book? I love that the guys at the COWBOY, joe and jerry both, refrain from publishing their own stuff in their mag. speaks volumes about their work ethic inre: the artform's integrity. espec. because both of em can write like hell.

Kat said...

Christopher- I'm not sure. I want to say it's an old one. Okay, yes, I went across the room and looked-2002. I started reading this one first, because like you said, he never puts his own work in NC. Some the poems are about his daughters and they are really, really good! I only had time to read two poems. Kids are home from school now. Time is not my own. I can't even go to the bathroom in peace!

j.b said...


I feel the same way about them. I refrained from publishing my own stuff in remark. when I was editor, and Kat does the same. I ALWAYS check magazines to see if the editors are publishing their own work. If they are, i tend to stay away. Just a personal thing I have. Anyway.

And, you're right, too, that they both can write. Great poets.

Kat said...

I thought I might be alone in the whole editor putting their own work in their own 'zine. Good to know I'm not. I don't because to me it says, "No one else wanted this so I'm putting it here." :)

j.b said...

oh no, you're not alone. i consider it bad form, but i'm just a pedantic asshole anyway.

and like you said, that's exactly how it looks to me: oh, i can't be bothered with submitting it elsewhere, or it was rejected by everyone else, so i'll just put it here.
