13 July 2005

an acceptance

got word from Nerve Cowboy today that they would like to keep two of my poems. This is what their letter said, "We really liked the geometry of a relationship on the rocks and the ultimate irony of the recently sobered. They will appear in #20 (Fall 2005)." so, two more poems in Nerve Cowboy #20. i had two in #19, and one in #18. a pretty good string.
oh, and if you don't know, Nerve Cowboy is by far the best small press magazine out there. they consistently put out amazing issues, chock full of poetry, flash fiction and art. check it out.

just got back from our pre-construction meeting, where we chose our house exterior and interior colors, amenities (extra bathrooms, crown molding, etc.) and other upgrades (cabinets, appliances, tile and carpet, etc.). we went for more than we wanted (financially) but we can still afford it. and, we'll be happy in the long run.

well, i got that call from HR late this afternoon, just before i was about to leave. i have an 8am meeting with them to discuss some of the ongoings in my department. i don't know what they will say, but i'm sure they aren't too happy to have heard that i was planning on splitting. i'll hear them out and see if we can work out some kind of symbiotic relationship (i.e. i stay and help them out and they pay me what i'm worth, as well as promise to fix a lot of the departmental problems). i'm a little nervous, but i've got them by the shorthairs.


Kat said...

Congratulations on the Nerve Cowboy acceptance...I sent them a few more last week. Cross your fingers for me! :)

I've never gotten to pick out all the cool new things for a house. To be the first one to live in a house is very cool. Good for you guys!

And good luck with the work thing. Shorthairs...I love that expression. :)

j.b said...

thanks, guys. yeah, it's always a rush to get into Nerve. even moreso when they take two.

chris, thanks a billion for ordering the book. and of course, send it my way and i'll inscribe it right nice. :)

i'll update my blog later tonight. there's some news on the job front (not much, but some). it's like being in the middle of a dust devil, you cover your eyes but the whipping pebbles still sting, and even if you were to open your eyes, you'd be blinded by the thick, swirling cloud. i don't know what's going to happen, but there's a palpable air of definite change wafting about. it smells good.