10 July 2005

hurricane Dennis

hurricane Dennis is making landfall as i write this. twenty miles east of Pensacola, Florida. my sister, her husband and her two little boys live exactly twenty miles east of Pensacola. they evacuated yesterday to my parents' house in Gainesville (about a five hour drive south east of Pensacola). i just got off the phone with my sister and she sounded scared and concerned. most likely their house is gone. she was able to gather the pictures and paperwork and other irreplaceables, but it can be very disheartening and horrible to lose one's house. i hope everything is okay for her, and for everyone else in the path of Dennis.

on a different note, i was mulling over the interview i had late last week (as i'm wont to do), going over the questions and, more importantly, my answers. one exchange i keep thinking about is when the manager of the department i'd be working in asked me to describe myself in five words or phrases. i was taken aback by this question as all questions up to that point were job specific. off the top of my head, i came up with: smart, funny, open-minded, athletic and ambitious. not bad for a quick and dirty answer, i think.
but, i've been thinking of all the other adjectives i could've used. like ethical, responsible, independent, creative or easy-going. then, i thought of all the adjectives my wife would use to describe me: lazy, annoying, indolent, capricious, arrogant, pedantic and insolent. well, the five i chose, though maybe not the best, are definitely better than any of the ones my wife would've used.
which five would you use to describe me? to describe yourself?


Kat said...

Hi justin,

I was thinking about your family...knowing they were right in the path...I hope all turned out okay....I'll keep sending good vibes. There is Tropical Depression out there....waiting to turn into Hurricane Emily...(I think I've told you I watch the weather channel like an old lady-wait! I am an old lady!)

As for your question...five words to describe you: Easy-going (Or so it seems!), Good listener, funny (I think so...Still think about that poem about shitting a flower and laugh), calm, and kind.

Five about me: (Why is it so much harder to think about my own than it was to think of yours?) Mom-ish (I know it's not a word but I do tend to mother everyone in the world), a bit judgemental, (I know...shame on me!), goofy, not the best housekeeper in the world=a little bit of a slob and I like to think I'm kind...

Anyway, I like your blog idea. I'll be back to comment on your other posts very soon!


j.b said...


Thanks for your concern. The hurricane made landfall right over my sister's house. Literally. I heard today that they found out their house was mostly spared, though. A few shingles are missing and the water rose up to their house. The only question now is if there was any structural damage, or flood damage. My brother-in-law is leaving tomorrow to check it out. Fingers crossed.

As for your adjectives for me, well I come off as being very funny and cool in my poems (this is the beauty of narrative poetry: i can make myself as smart and funny and RIGHT as i want, regardless of how i actually am). thank you, though, for your kind words.
it was funny reading what you thought of yourself. i always get a kick out of the fact that we rarely ever see ourselves as others see us, and others rarely ever agree with each other about how we should be seen.

Kat said...

Good to hear that everything is pretty okay with your family. Like I said...I'll keep sending good vibes.

Bill and I were just talking about how others see us and how we see ourselves yesterday....It is interesting. I am told a lot how patient I am but inside...I'm screaming...EVERYONE SHUT UP! (Meaning with my kids...well, and sometimes with others) So I don't feel patient but I guess...NOT screaming makes me patient. If that made sense I'll send you five bucks! :)

j.b said...

it's funny, isn't it; how we are sometimes perceived as one thing, when inside we are exactly the opposite. i've been told many times, too (particulary at work), that i have the patience of job. the religious reference aside, i can understand why they might think that, but in reality it is patience borne of survival. i am patient because if i were to explode, i might literally lose it.

oh yeah. your post made sense, so you owe me $5. :)

Kat said...

Five bucks is in on it's way! :)

j.b said...

haha. i was just kidding. but, if in fact you did send me some money, there'll be a book in it for you! :)

Kat said...

No, I didn't! But I could! :)