12 July 2005

things progress, s l o w l y

no word, yet, on the new job. but, a co-worker (another chemist with whom i worked for four and a half years, and who was my boss for 1 of those years) just put in his two-week notice yesterday. things are getting so crazy at work, now. we are so understaffed, stressed, overwhelmed, underappreciated and overworked, that something has gotta give, lest we break. anyway, this co-worker was summoned into HR to see if there was anything that can be done to retain him. i doubt it'll happen as the new job he found is an amazing opportunity and comes with a huge pay increase. but, he did mention to this HR guy that i was also looking for a new job, and that if the laboratory lost me, they would shut down completely (which is true). i suppose i should expect a call from HR tomorrow. maybe i can use it to get a humongous raise. doubt it.

since i'm talking about work, since it's been the only thing that's been on my mind the past 7 or 8 months and since it's the primary reason i'm in the writing drought i currently find myself, i figured i'd leave you with a work-related poem:


Techson Medical Supply
announced that it will
be enforcing a
series of colossal layoffs
due to recent lackluster
profits and increased
shareholder concern.

as a part of our
benefits package we
were able to purchase
company stock options,

which actually makes
us all shareholders.

and, in the wake of this
recent news, we are
all very concerned.

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