14 June 2006

the ovaltine poems

for those who might have missed it, a fun series of comments have been logged in the is the cliché a cliché post. among those comments have been a bunch of poems relating to Ovaltine, the drink of choice for this poet's life contributor, editor of remark., and poette, Kat.

in the interest of ease and enjoyment, here are the poems so far (plus a new one by yours truly), with bylines below each poem:


"Mary, you
are so fucking
it makes me like
or something."

she flipped open
her cellphone
and sent a
quick text
to her list,
making sure
to tell everybody

off her
Myspace page.

this time for good.

Mary went home
to try and
figure out
how to be


in the future.
--Christopher Cunningham


if Ovaltine were
money, i'd
be rich

but if Ovaltine
were love,
i'd still
be lonely

without you.

madness and strong drink

looking in the mirror
after no sleep for a second
peeling back the corners
of red tired eyes,
sunlight oozing thru
dirty plastic slats,
mouth filled with
and the taste of
strong drink.

mind is slipping,



to the face
I no longer know.
--Christopher Cunningham


I heard a fly buzz
And then it died;
Fell into my Ovaltine,
And it made me cry.

It was my favorite fly;
I named it Vincent Price;
Help me, Help me, it cried,
Oh, brother, look at
What Just just made me write.
--Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal


she used the
ovaltine jar to
stick the post-it

‘you boring fucker,
have a nice life.’

I’d miss her sense
of humour,
but that was
about all.
--Brian McGettrick

Untitled Ovaltine Poem

In grade school, mary
was quite
the oval teen.

By the time she
reached high school,
she developed
a bad case
of bulimia.

In between classes
she would vomit
as a means to slenderize.
All the cool kids
would make fun
of her for being
so cliche, till one day
she snapped
and ate them

--C. Allen Rearick

Because it’s very delicious

I ask,
"Why Ovaltine?"

"Because it's very
delicious," she
says, "plus, it's
good for you."

Ovaltine is so last
week, AND
it tastes like
crap. I much prefer
Nestle Quick."

"Nestle Quick?"

"Yes, Nestle
It’s like Ovaltine
on steroids."

"On steroids?
You're such
a cliché,"
she says.

"You're a cliché,"
I retort. Then,
And give me back
my steroids."

all good stuff. this only goes to show that poetry can come from anything; even something as ovaltine as Ovaltine!

AND, as if all of this weren't enough, the very same Kat who inspired these poems is working on a villanelle to top this collection off.

if any other poets out there are interested in getting in on the ovaltine fun, post your poem in the comments. don't be so ovaltine and get to it!


christopher cunningham said...

interesting that the poems went from silly-ish to more serious, as if we couldn't resist actually writing a poem. and how great that words have such magical natures that they can be made to dance in so many ways.

although this topic has become seriously ovaltine to the max.

j.b said...

i noticed the same thing. this is why i said it was amazing that we could create poetry out of even something as mundane as ovaltine.

i also think it was the competitive warrior in each of us. once we realized that others were doing it, too, we instantly started taking it seriously, or at least more so than we were.

watch out for the poet warrior. his pen is mightier than his sword. haw!