31 July 2005

off with his hair

nothing really new today. lazy Sunday. we packed up some more of our shit, segregated more things, threw more things out. we're trying to take things slow so that we don't get too stressed out. so far, so good.

we took time out to get haircuts, too. i always look like a goofball after a haircut. some people look their best right after a haircut. me, i look best about a week later. so, right now, i look like some super-coiffured idiot. next week, though, i'll be at my best.

one more story about the pile of garbage on our curbside. it has now been whittled down to no more than a tenth of what it was. we had an old, torn and overused couch and chair out there, on top of which were piled most of our junk. on our way back home from our friends' house for dinner, we noticed that they were both gone. we figured they would be. BUT, the assholes that took the couch and chair just inconsiderately dumped all the shit onto the parking strip and crushed the bushes and flowers my wife spent a long time planting. ASSHOLES! man, i wish we were there when it happened and my wife could've gotten hold of them. one thing, all. DO NOT fuck with my wife. the fiery Italian in her flares up and you will be sorry. oh, that would've been so great. but, as it is, we had to clean it up and luckily the plants were unharmed.


BMcG said...

Hello All

Will move up to this post as the book one was getting a bit crowded. so j you’re a film snob too. the only thing I can say about that is, well done! If ever you are in doubt of your sanity just think that you were not the one that allowed Arnold Schwarzenegger to act, never mind govern – I mean sweet baby jesus and the orphans, come on! I really could rant forever about it but will sum up Hollywood/films/thon feck place in a word here – vacuous.

however, unlike yourself j I will avoid the more serious movies, or rather movies that think they are serious because I know they will disappoint – see the Machinist - and go for the ones that are just sort of nonsense – see Team America. I don’t mind these, I have no opinion of them, really it’s just sit down, tie on bib to catch drool, press play and switch off brain.

Lord of the Rings, yep I read them but I have no idea why.

Your sentiments about the recent feckin Star Wars hoopla are perfectly understandable but even the holy trinity has nothing on the holy trilogy, I mean, you where a kid once, weren’t you?

Cant believe you don’t like Celine, thought there may even have been some sort of shrine in your writing room to him.

Know this is about on other posts but just in case anyone missed it I have:

Celine – Death on the Installment Plan
Richard Ford - Rock Springs
Reynolds Price - A Long and Happy Life by

let me know, free, they are yours, no P&P costs either, as I say if you want to read just let us know.

After all the talk here about it you all will be happy to know that I have purchased a copy of To Kill A Mockingbird and intend to read soon – went out on Saturday for book buying and beers, cant beat it.

yearbook boy sounds like he should have some sort of cordon around him – however for the craic (laugh) your wife could ask him if he would like it signed, just to see his reaction, I mean from a safe distance and that. better still, print up a few t-shirts, get a website (www.yearbookboy.com) on the go, start a craze j.

Kat said...

Hair cuts! I only cut my hair about once a year. I hate hair cuts and "salons" Really. They once asked me what "products" I used on my hair...uhm...shampoo?

I have a temper, too. Don't fuck with my kids or my husband....You'll see a very ugly side of me. Oddly, if you are mean to me or say bad things about me...I re-treat but when it's my kids...forget it. You'll be sorry!


Kat said...

should have said retreat...Beats me why I put that hyphen in there. :)

j.b said...

b mcg:
i should start a whole yearbookboy thing. make tshirts and coffee mugs. do the website and Super Bowl commercials.

New and Improved. Guaranteed to take 50 years off of your life. Guaranteed to remove stains of all varieties. He Dices and Slices. And, he has a fetish for formal senior pictures.