05 August 2005


god, i hate that acronym and it's expanded saying. there's even a fucking restaurant named after it (and one so derivative and annoying what with the kitsch and overjoyed servers; i'd rather puke than eat there). and, to make it even worse, some fundamentalists deemed Thank God It's Friday too sacreligious, so they changed it to Thank Goodness It's Friday. the ultimate sign of stupidity is taking a lame idiom and making it even lamer. god damn. but, it IS friday and if there were a god i'd certainly thank it. this week was long.

i need to conduct 5 interviews next week, so maybe i can find some qualified people and quickly fill these open spots. we need the help. we are barely keeping our heads above water, and that's only because someone in my department has cashed in their savings of luck thereby allowing the volume of tests in our department to suddenly shrink. if they build back up again, which they inevitably will, we are in dire straits. i fear this.

plans this weekend: clean out my basement writing room, finally. box up all my shit, finally. finish the minor repairs the house needs, finally. find time in all of that to relax, finally. worry, more and continued.


Kat said...

I hate the TGIF thing too. Seems so...silly. And I think, once in NJ, I ate there and had pretty bad service.

Still sending good vibes to you about work.

Have fun with the basement. Monday...kids go back to school and I'll be cleaning like a mad woman! Yuck.

j.b said...

yeah, not the best food.
the basement never got done. the boxing of all my other shit took longer than i anticipated. but, it'll get done. it kind of has to.

thanks for the good vibes with my job situation. i'm actually in a pretty good situation as far as being courted by one company and currently in employment another, who also needs me and understands that. but, the decision will be a difficult one, and one of the choices (namely, leaving my current company) could affect people in profound ways. the other choice (staying with my current company) will most likely lead to continued stress and unhappines for me, but will definitely help prevent the same in others.
decisions, decisions. i've pretty much made up my mind, i just have to discuss some things with the new company and with my current company. depending on the outcomes of these discussions, my decision is already made.