01 August 2005


i received issue #35 of remark., the old online poetry journal i started and edited until just recently, when i handed over the reigns to Kat. anyway, she did a great job with this issue. my review of Glenn W. Cooper's first chapbook, First Touch, from Bottle of Smoke Press appears in this issue. also included are some great poems by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal, Charles Nevsimal and Nescher Pyscher.
i also received a book from my friend, the aforementioned Glenn W. Cooper. he is a big fan of Muhammad Ali and knows that i am as well. he accidently ended up with two copies of a biography of him, The Tao of Muhhamad Ali, and was kind enough to send me one of the copies. thank you, Glenn. i look forward to reading it. it is going in the pile of books i mentioned below that will be accompanying me to my apartment. i've a great assortment of books of varying genres to keep me busy until my house is built.


Kat said...

Glad you got it...that was really fast. I mailed them on Saturday. I used the little kiosk thing so I didn't have to talk to the post office employees...Maybe it's better to do that! Glad you liked it. That was a tough one to get out there because of all the computer problems I was having.

j.b said...

it's a pretty tight little issue. good stuff all around.

Kat said...

You just made the day! Thank you! I'm doing a little tap dance right now! :)