07 July 2006

the fallacy of vocabulary condescension

i attended a small, in-house training course on learning how to proofread, today. the instructor was not all that good, as seminar-ing goes, but he said something that made me think. he used an aphorsim i'd never heard: "Easy to read is easy to proofread." this is probably true.

but, he then said that "easy to read" meant using "familiar, easy-to-understand words" and avoiding "elegant variation" in our word choices. he claimed that using such unfamiliar and elegant words sounds pedantic (actually, he said arrogant, but i'm certain he meant pedantic and didn't want to sound exactly that, so used the "easier-to-understand" arrogant) and amounts to a form of condescension (he actually used "talking down to" because "condescension" is merely an "elegant variation").

i take exception to this. i'm one of the people who uses high-falutin' words in everyday speech (like high-falutin' and -- apparently -- condescension). and i don't think it's condescending at all to use them. here's why:

1) if you were dumbing down or talking down to a person you wouldn't use big words, would you? so, why is it talking down to when you do? is it maybe because you don't know the big words and you feel as if you are being talked down to. that's not my fault, Skippy. read a book. expand your vocabulary.

2) there's a reason these words exist in the first place. if pedantic were perfectly synonymous with arrogant, then there would be NO need for pedantic. but, yet, there is a need, because it isn't perfectly synonymous. just because the word is polysyllabic (long) or unfamiliar doesn't mean it shouldn't be used for concision's sake. the words exist, so use them.

3) i put a certain amount of expectation and respect in the people i'm talking to. i respect them enough to NOT talk down to them by using trite, plain language. i would hate if someone wanted to use the word pedantic, but didn't think me savvy enough to figure it out, so instead censored themselves and chose arrogant. likewise, i expect the people i talk to to have a certain level of intelligence and vocabulary. if not, sorry, but why should i dumb myself down so that someone else doesn't feel insulted by such high-falutin' language?

now, there are definitely some cases where dumbing down is necessary, or preferable. when in business, assume the person you are dealing with is a moron. you'll be right nine times out of ten. when dealing with a salesman, that percentage goes up to 99 times out of 100. but, when dealing with writers, we should be able to speak freely, using the correct (possibly larger) word when necessary. same goes for professionals. doctors, psychiatrists, lawyers (just kidding, lawyers are in the salesmen category!).

and there are times when certain pedantic people DO use unnecessarily "elegant" words in their speech. but, you'll find that most of the times the words they choose are used incorrectly merely to make themselves sound smart. THAT'S the definition of pedantic. NOT someone who uses big words correctly because their more familiar counterparts just aren't descriptive enough.

that's the end of my rant. words are important. there's a reason we have created so many of them. it's a shame to NOT use some because someone else doesn't know them. if that's being condescending, then i'm sorry.


christopher cunningham said...



christopher cunningham said...



christopher cunningham said...

I wholeheartedly agree. it's not my fault if you're too stupid to open a dictionary or a thesaurus and figure out exactly what you want to say.

and this culture has too long been a retarded bastion of "intelligence bashing," where books are to be scorned and farts elevated to high humor, where Larry the Cable Guy lives and Bill Hicks dies.

"looks like we got ourselves a reader..."

and I'll condescend your ass in a hearbeat motherfucker. now take your ovaltine sucking self back to the booger mill and get to digging, punk.


j.b said...


i agree, bro. i am proud of my rather large vocabulary, i live to sling words (i.e. write poetry) and i'll be damned if i'm going to dumb myself down so that any lazy bastard can hear me.

fuck that shit.

booger mill. i have uncles that work there i think! :)

you're right about the intelligence bashing thing. i see that a lot on the evolution vs. creationism thing. "oh, you know those scientist and their theories. they're smart and stuff, so you obviously can't trust them."
i hate it. i don't understand this hatred for those who are smart. dumb fucks!

Kat said...

Hey, hey! Ovaltine is only something SMART people drink! :)

I do not have a huge vocabulary but I always love to find new words and look them up. And I wouldn't want someone to stop using "Big Words" just because everyone might not get it.

As always, interesting post!

Hope your move is going great!

Anonymous said...

j, you've got a typo in the first sentence. "attending" when you need "attended". i love irony! ;)

j.b said...

irony is a bitch.

i was actually testing if anyone read this damn thing.

sure, i was.

Anonymous said...

i knew you were just testing! i knew it!

j.b said...


but, Glenn, you passed. with flying colors. ;)